CHAPTER 24 The death of Elizabeth -part 02-

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-Minutes later-
Somewhere in the neighborhood (Elizabeth's house)
They all stopped in front of the two floors apartment, Connor and Kent thanks Optimus as they leave the truck, leaving the autobot leader alone for that moment. Kent walks towards the house and opens the door with his key, Lizzy following behind Connor as the boy examine the house. "Here we go.." Kent said as he opens the door, welcoming the boy to enter the house.

"You live here?" Connor asked as he walks into the living room, Kent close the door and answers the boy. "Yup, after her mother's death I moved in.....To this silence house." Kent said as he taking out his phone, stand by the door. "You can check the rooms, I'll be here if you need me!" Kent said as he call his coworker with his phone, Connor nod and walks upstairs, Lizzy slowly follow behind.

"So...Where's your room Lizzy?" Connor asked as the ghost girl flew in front of him, flew into the room that at the end of the hallway. Connor opens the door, he's surprised to see the dark colour painted wall and there's not much toys in the room, he expected to see pink everything and soft toys on the bed. "Wow, you're...Different that I thought you would be!" Connor said as he put his hand on his hip, Lizzy glare at the boy, unimpressed. "Just kidding....Where should I start...?" Connor said as he walks towards the table, examine the item on it. All the things has been organized, and he noticed the items hasn't been move by someone ever since Lizzy was gone.

"Huh....." Connor's attention was the sketchbook laying on the edge of the table, he looks back at Lizzy as the ghost girl looking at her bed, examine the cute animal plushies. Connor looks back at the sketchbook and take a look inside, it was scribbles done by the one and only Elizabeth. Connor smile by the colourful pictures as he turn the pages, his smile slowly gone as the pages slowly turn colourless, nothing but just black and white. The last pages got Connors full attention as the girl drew herself, holding hand with a shadowy figure, the longer he stare at the pictures, the longer he felt uncomfortable in the room.

 The last pages got Connors full attention as the girl drew herself, holding hand with a shadowy figure, the longer he stare at the pictures, the longer he felt uncomfortable in the room

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Connor jumped when Lizzy called him, make him drop the sketchbook on the floor.

"Lizzy~!!" Connor wine as he blush in embarrassment, Elizabeth scratch her head and bow a little, whispered a small sorry as she blush as well. Connor crouch down and grab the book, open up the last page to Lizzy. "Lizzy, who's this?" Connor asked as he pointed at the shadowy figure that the girl drew with crayon, Lizzy raise her eyebrow as she looks into the picture, the memory is foggy but she knew the figure, she can see the figure when she was little, standing by near her everywhere she go. She don't know who it was, he or she gave her a nice and warm company every time, everywhere.

The ghost girl shrug her shoulder. "Is a yes…and no?" Connor asked, Lizzy nod her head. "Great, pretend I didn't asked that Lizzy." Connor said quietly as be take the picture will his phone and put back the sketchbook to where it belongs, a question stuck in his head. How long does this figure stay by her side? Day? Month? Years? Connor shake his head, put his phone back to his pocket and continue to search the room. After some search, there was nothing can be call as an evidence or lead, Connor is leave clueless at the moment. Soon, he notice the silence girl was staring outside the window.

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