Chapter 6 Irrational Treasure

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No one's POV

(A/N) Note, I may not going to do all the episodes in the series, and skip around.

Currently, the twins are eating Corncornos in the back seat of Stan's car, while Adrain was asleep in the front, with Stan honking while Mabel attaches nachos from her chip bag to her ears.

Currently, the twins are eating Corncornos in the back seat of Stan's car, while Adrain was asleep in the front, with Stan honking while Mabel attaches nachos from her chip bag to her ears

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Mabel: Ha-ha! Nacho earrings. I'm hilarious!

Stan: That's debatable. Aw, come on, what's with all this traffic? And why is it all...covered wagons? Oh no! No! No! (Pushes gas pedal) Not today! Not today!

As Stan quickly started to reverse, Adrain slammed his head on the dashboard.

Adrain: Ow! What the hell?!

Dipper: Grunkle Stan, what's going on?

Adrain: ...-_-... Something incredibly stupid most likely...

Stan: We gotta get outta here. Before it's too late!

Everyone sees that his car his trapped between a group of covered wagons.

Stan: They've circled the wagons! We're trapped! Nooooooooo!

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Stan: They've circled the wagons! We're trapped! Nooooooooo!

Mabel: (Looks outside her window and sees a cow) I've gotta good feeling about today.

Adrain: ...-_-... Red flag...

The twins, Adrain and Stan get out of the car and walk around an old fashioned-looking Main Street.

Dipper: Man. Look at the town.

Stan: Ah, boy. It's Pioneer Day. Every year these yahoos dress up like idiots to celebrate the day Gravity Falls was founded.

Adrain: I don't think they need a day to be something they already are...

Toby: Welcome to 1863!

Stan: I will break you, little man!

Toby: Ahh! (Runs away and crashes into a barrel)

Everyone looked to see people doing various activities, panning right. People doing candle dipping.

Weird. Horrible. Ass. Town. Gravity Falls x Male reader/OCWhere stories live. Discover now