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Haruto stares blankly at every girl who approaches him. He has no interest in them and doesn't give a damn about them, but there's a certain tanned male he wants to tease. "Please, Mr. Watanabe, stop kicking my chair for the nth time." Jeongwoo spoke in hushed tones. He was extremely unlucky today to have this tall Japanese classmate as a classmate, and to make matters worse, he was sitting next to him. Haruto wasn't his seatmate. The latter frightened his original seat partner so that he could take it, The tall Japanese smirked, seeing how angry the other was. "What exactly do you want?" Jeongwoo inquired, attempting to calm himself. If he killed the man next to him, his image as a kind vice president would be tainted.

"Who was the man who spoke to you earlier?" The tanned man was surprised by his question. Haruto wasn't particularly curious, but observing how they interacted piqued his interest. "What does it mean to you?" Jeongwoo returned his gaze to the front of the room, where their teacher was scribbling something on the board. He never even got the point of the lesson. It's a good thing they were speaking in hushed tones so she didn't notice them. "First, respond to my question." The Japanese leaned in to whisper in Jeongwoo's ear, causing the latter to gasp."Yah! Don't frighten me!" Jeongwoo yelled, his hands over his ears. He then realized what had occurred. Everyone, including his teacher, was staring at him. "Is there something wrong with Mr. Park?" She inquired. At this point, he was extremely embarrassed. "N-nothing, Miss Kim; Haruto just asked me about the lesson because he didn't understand it." He lied, the lady smiled, and she went back to teaching. Jeongwoo was able to regain his composure. He didn't even forget to look at Haruto, who was smiling at him and saying, "Mission Accomplished." The Japanese whispered but continued to irritate the Korean. 

"Oh my God, I despise him." As he approached the student council office, Jeongwoo slammed himself into the chair. "Who despises who?" Inhong inquired, peering into Junghwan's space. The other male gave him a deadpan stare. "You were not on the council the last time I checked. What brings you here?" Inhong pouted, "My boyfriend is here, so I am." He stood up and walked towards his friend, "So tell me who made the vice president angry?" Jeongwoo sighed, looking at the ceiling, then closed his eyes. "That new student." He sits on Jeongwoo table, "specific please we have many new students."

"That Haruto," says the narrator. Inhong became perplexed when the other male responded "Oh, you two seemed to be friends earlier? Is there something he's done?" Jeongwoo snorted and said, "We were close enough for each other to murder each other, and he did. That is why I despise him so much." They sighed when they heard the bell ring and Inhong was going to respond. "My spare time has come to an end. I'll see you later, or perhaps tomorrow." Before departing, Jeongwoo stood up to gather his belongings.

"Welcome home, Young Master." As the young master comes, the chief butler says something, and the other butlers and maids lower their heads. Haruto simply ignores them and hands his bag to the maid closest to him. "Have you had a good day?" As she approached him, his mother requested for a hug and even kissed his cheeks. "Mom! Stop kissing me, I'm no longer a child" He grumbled. The lady chuckled a little.  "Even though you are taller than me, you are still my baby. Now tell me about your day at school. Have you met anyone cute?" Mrs. Watanabe lifted her brows in amusement. The youngster grumbled and said, "I'm too young for that, mom. Let Yoshi-kun be married first, then I'll get married." Speaking of Yoshi, his cousin is still in Japan, dealing with something before coming to South Korea to study at the prestigious university here. "But I still want to find someone," the lady insisted. "We'll get to that someday, mom, but not now, father expects me to complete my studies so that I can manage the business." They were now making their way to the dining room, where the maids were busy setting the table. Mr. Watanabe sat quietly reading documents while his sister Aeri played on her phone. "Stop what you're doing, we're going to eat." His mother said, startling the two of them, and they immediately put their belongings away. Haruto greet his dad and ruffles his sister head before sitting on his respective chair.

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