Chapter 2 - Fields Full of Flowers

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As George wakes up, he slowly stands up from his bed to stretch. After stretching, he bounds over to his window to open it.

George's favorite season would probably have to be spring.

George had ways loved flowers, so when he'd had the option to live in the middle of a flower field in a cottage, he didn't think twice. It's pretty secluded and since George had never gotten his license it takes him 5 minutes on a bike to get to the nearest town.

He still lives in England, but don't think that he'd forgotten about his best friends from his childhood. They were the only things on his mind. George still texted and called Sapnap, but he hadn't talked to dream since the night of their fight. He didn't know why they had fought anymore. Probably because Dream could've felt like Sapnap and George we're leaving him.

George still knew what Dream was up to, and would watch some of his best-, no, ex-best friend's streams. He didn't know what Dream looked like but he knew his voice. Yes, Dreams' voice was a little deeper than he'd remembered but it still gave him butterflies.

'Goddamnit,' George thought to himself as he'd read a notification pop up on his screen, 'I should probably talk to Sapnap.'

[ Meet-Up: 1 month reminder]
[Set for May 23rd]

"Shit, has it been almost 10 years?" he questions aloud, no one else to hear him or his thoughts.

George still hadn't decided if he wanted to see Dream, but he could meet up with Sapnap if he wanted. He grabs his phone from its charger and unplugs it. George opens his messages with Sapnap.



Do you still wanna go do the meetup thingy?

George was pretty surprised when Sapnap texts back almost immediately. It was probably 2 am in Texas.

I just was gonna ask you about that

Do you wanna call so we can plan this out?
It can be later

Yea, I can call you later, I just couldn't
sleep when I got that reminder

Goodnight cowboy

Bye gogyyyy


George smiled softly as he closes his messages with Sapnap. Even texting him made George blush. It wasn't always like this though, maybe with Dream but George had never liked Sapnap in that way. Not until after the fight.

George and Sapnap had kept in touch, but they grew closer as well, even though they were oceans apart.

George couldn't get the pair off of his mind as he made his way to his kitchen. Going to make himself a pot of coffee he got another notification.

[Dream is live!]
[Streaming: Geoguesser]

Dream. The name consumes his thoughts as he sits on his couch. Butterflies in his stomach erupting and his chest feels like it's going to burst.

Dream had always done this to George. Maybe not on purpose, but he'd always gotten flustered around Dream.

When he thinks back to when they were kids one moment, in particular, comes back more than others.


The sky was slightly cloudy still from when it had rained earlier that morning. George walked down to the field in his old, beaten-up sneakers.

On his walk, he'd noticed the leftover smell of a rainstorm. One of his favorite smells. As he'd walked into the field to their little empty patch in the middle he'd seen the other two there already. Probably waiting for him.

The thought made him smile and he started skipping to their spot before looking back up. He only saw Sapnap with a grin on his face before he was tackled from the side by a very lanky but strong force.

"What the hell, now my clothes are dirty!" George laughs out as he opens his eyes. He sees Dream staring into his eyes. A look in them that he doesn't recognize. George started blushing as he realized that Dream was on top of him, not bothering to move.

He was surprised when Dream started inching closer to his face. Extremely slowly he should add. Their noses almost touched before he heard Sapnap's giggles, just seconds before he jumped on top of the pair.

Dreams face is pushed into George's shoulder and George tries to wiggle his way out. Unable to move Sapnap shouts "WOOOO! I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD!"


George still blushes whenever he thinks back to the moment. He didn't know what he felt then but he was damn sure of it now.

Love. He had always loved the pair. As friends or maybe more, but that was too much for his young, closeted 13-year-old self's mind to comprehend.

Yea, George was openly gay. He had honed and learned to be proud of his sexuality after coming out just 5 years ago.

'God,' George thought to himself, 'how'd I not realize until I was 18.'

Maybe he was scared. Scared of what others thought, or maybe of himself. By his last year of high school, he had gotten over those fears, not caring about what anyone else thought.

Sapnap was the first to know about George's sexual awakening. Woke up from a wet dream about Robert Downey Jr. Yea, Sapnap supported him, but George didn't HAVE to go into details.

George trusted Sapnap with anything though. After their 'falling out' with Dream they had only grown closer. Texting, calling, and FaceTiming whenever they could. Yeah, they were on different continents, but they were still each other's best friends.

'I'm so excited to meet with them.' George concluded.

George had always loved the pair, but maybe more than the average person would love their friends. Always checking up on them, taking care of them, and caring about them a little too much.

Still, he can't wait to see them again.


Thanks for reading, I had fun writing :D

Please give me feedback!  I'd love any constructive criticism when it comes to my work, I want to know what your thoughts are!

Have a great day or night though, please drink water before and after every chapter of a book/fic you read on wattpad.  Keep yourself hydrated and healthy <3

Also, I know in the description I wrote "weekly updates" when I really mean "whenever I want to update".

Words: 967
Updated:  August 8th, 2021
Written:  August 8th, 2021

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