Allyrian Talks

781 26 7

Strathyrum Street, Arverni, Republic of Pecunia
3:00 PM
Streets of Arverni
Prairial 12th, 907 AC

It was a rainy day in Arverni and four vehicles were seen nearing the Embassy and two of them bore the Symbol of Israel's Foreign Affairs and the other two being Mossad & Shin Bet Protective Security Department. The caution that Israel taken was tremendous that not even Shin Bet was enough to protect the Israeli delegation and knowing well that they've entered territory that they have no knowledge on, Mossad was up for the job to scan their surroundings and listen to the conversations of the Israeli Ambassador & his Allyrian counterpart. Even though nearing the embassy, ​​The traffic gets worse increasing the delay of talks between Israel & Allyria.

The one who was chosen for the job of establishing such relations was Noah Hausmann, He came from a certain Kibbutzim and was a former ambassador to Egypt. After the transfer, He was recalled again to establish possible diplomatic relations with Allyria. 

While it was raining and the convoy still stuck on traffic, The Israeli Ambassador & his Chief Security / Mossad Operative Emily would converse with each other seeing that there is nothing to do aside from waiting the crowds to make way and cars to move. It was a pain to wait & watch the traffic moving so slow because of the rallies. Not only that, the locals of Arverni were surprised that the car looked much better than a 1930s car than they've seen and it piqued their interest that they must be the rumored Israelis.

"Looks like a typical 1930s street eh? Except that it reminds me of some rallies in Weimar ... Care to explain the situation here in 'Arverni?' "Noah said.

"From the looks of the rallies alone, It seems that Pecunia is experiencing a political upheaval." Emily stated based on what she saw from the various symbols.

"So this country has its own problems ...., I've seen several soldiers posted every checkpoint we pass and yet they have an internal crisis." Noah replied.

"Must've been foreign interference and rebels that made them militarize every checkpoint. They've been hindering foreigners from entry based on what I observed from these checkpoints." Emily stated.

"Might be, But I want to study more about their history and eventually their current situation in-depth rather than observing and concluding what was happening alone." Noah said.

"Agreed, It really is best to study more and conclude what is currently happening in this country." Emily replied, agreeing to what Noah answered.

Their conversation died down after what Emily had stated. The convoy is still stuck in traffic but still moving slowly with no progress. It may seem that talks with Allyrian Officials will be delayed due to the traffic. While they were stuck in traffic for some time, They watched locals gazing at the modern-looking car they're seeing which gave Emily that they were indeed living in the 30s.

30 minutes later
Allyrian Embassy

The Israeli Foreign Affairs finally arrived at their destination with the 3rd vehice owned by Mossad nowhere on sight as there were only two vehicles left who were in front of the embassy entrance. The first car containing a number of Agents disembarked from their lead car with their weapons ready for any threats against the Israeli Ambassador. Next to exit was the latter car carrying the Ambassador and the Chief Security with a two security guards holding their umbrellas over both of them respectively.

"So this is the Embassy ... of these 'Allyrians' ... It looks like they've copied the American Embassy in Saigon." Emily said looking at the Embassy's exterior showing what it looked like the US Embassy in Saigon.

"No shit, Are they really going this far to back an unstable Republic?"

"Who knows, We might be facing the fact that Pecunia is a 'South Vietnam' equivalent." Emily said.

"Anyways, I'll be going back to the Van, Good luck with the talks there Mr. Noah ... I'll be keeping watch on you." Emily added as she left while being escorted by a Mossad Operative.

Noah smiled at her that it seemed to have picked the best person for the job. He walked through the doors of the embassy escorted by security detail. He wasn't that surprised when he entered the embassy as was just as calm like any normal diplomat. Many elves were working nonstop even when there was a guest implying that they may be hard workers for a country that is supposedly the strongest in the small World.

Then he approached the Embassy's Reception and was surprised to hear Arabic but much ancient and closer to the current form of Arabic. The Embassy Receptionist looked at him and asked.

"Welcome to the Embassy sir, What is your purpose of coming here?" The receptionist said.

"We arranged a meeting with your Ambassador through contacts with President Helvetiorum." Noah calmly said.

The receptionist then looked at the files listing appointments and she saw indeed that the 'Israelis' will be meeting with their Ambassador. She was curious about these 'Israelis' but decided to stick to the job she was meant to do and not to pry further to not cause any scene.

"Ah I see, It seems you've indeed arranged a meeting with the Mr. Ambassador. Please sit down there in the meantime while I get a clerk to guide you and notify the Ambassador of your arrival." The receptionist said pointing where Noah is supposed to sit and wait.

"Ok." Noah replied.

He and his security detail walked toward the waiting area and sat there. In the meantime, They just watched countless workers working around the clock with their jobs while his own security detail scanned their surroundings for potential threats especially at the Embassy's Security Guards which looked reminiscent to Saigon's Embassy Guards.

5 Minutes Later
Embassy Interior

The said clerk approached the Israelis with a greeting and said to the Israeli Ambassador.

"Salaam, You must be the 'Israelis' that President Helvetiorum mentioned right?" The clerk said.

"Why yes indeed, Your ambassador is waiting for us right? Sorry if we were late ..." Noah replied readying himself to talk to their Ambassador.

"It's alright sir, The ambassador is patient and willing to talk at any time even if you are late." The clerk stated.

"That's good to hear." Noah replied.

"Anyways, Follow me to the office." The clerk said as he walked guiding through the large and spacious hallways of the Embassy.

Noah was seeing a lot of elves working in the embassy and they are comparable to Americans working in the former Saigon Embassy. The offices were you can see in the 60s fax machines, file storage boxes, and telephones implying that they were living like in the 60s. Noah was surprised about this and it could be an important thing for Mossad when digging in further to Allyria's Technological Level to confirm.

Not a single staff bothered to look at the Israeli Delegates because they were busy working nonstop and they can't afford to have any distractions. A few of them were calling on the phone and others carry boxes of files to other rooms with the risk of files falling off and creating a mess.

"So, I never seen you people before, What are 'Israelis' to be exact?" The clerk asked curious on what the Israelis are.

"Israelis are people that are generally referred to the citizens of the State of Israel." Noah stated.

"State of Israel huh? Never heard about that country before until your people were able to defeat the Mancipians... At least that's what the newspapers said." The clerk said.

"Well, we somehow ended up in this world through some kind of transfer... according to what our Prime Minister said." Noah stated.

"I see... Not gonna pry into that story of your 'world transference' ." The clerk said.

"Ok..." Noah replied having nothing to say to the clerk.

The conversation ended and they continued to walk a hallway full of Embassy clerks doing their own jobs. 

Allyrian Embassy
Ambassador's Office

3:45 PM
Rainy Day

The sound of rain drops outside of the Embassy and the serious atmosphere the office has given off as the Ambassador was waiting for his Israeli Counterpart to arrive while reading a Newspapers. The man himself is a veteran diplomat serving as a bridge for Pecunian - Allyrian relations that mainly focused on military & economic cooperations. While reading the news papers, A main article that show 'MANCIPIA DEFEATED: ISRAEL CLAIMS VICTORY' which as the title stated that Mancipia lost the war to the 'Israelis'. He was baffled at the aftermath of the Mancipian War which the Portentians were supposed to lose until its mysterious neighbor 'Israel' came and  turned the tide of the war. Initially he suspects demonic intervention from the Demons up north, but the Island was protected by heavy storms that no ship can go any further. Browsing another page related to the said article, He learned that Israel was behind all of this with mentions of the leaflets stating surrender or annihilation.

He was intrigued that a nation named 'State of Israel' exists and wanted to meet their ambassadors. And meeting their ambassadors he did as a message from Helvetiorum that requested Israeli Ambassadors to be invited for talks which he gladly accepted. The ambassador hoped that the talks with his Israeli counterpart would help kickstart researching on Israel's economic and military capabilities.

A knock at the door sounding like a tap was heard implying that his counterpart arrived. He was ready to meet him as he sat still formally awaiting.

"You may come in." He said and the door opened and appearing in front of him was the Embassy Clerk & the said 'Israeli' counterparts. 

"Take a seat and have your security wait outside the door." The Ambassador stated ordering Noah to have his Security detail out of the office.

Noah then told his Security to leave him alone & await him outside the door once the talks were over and the door was shut as the clerk walked out of the office after the 2nd Security Guard walked out of the office.

"Salaam, I'm Barham, Please take a seat, I hear that your 'country' wants to talk with us correct?" Barham said.

"Likewise Mr. Barham, I'm glad that you accepted a meeting on behalf of the State of Israel." Noah replied sitting down face-to-face with Barham.

"No problem, But let's get to the point, What is this 'State of Israel' and how can I be sure that we will accept further diplomatic talks after our first contact with each other."

Noah grabbed his own briefcase and picked up the files containing basic information about the State of Israel. The document itself consisted of population, economy,  history, current President & Prime Minister, and the entire map of it. Noah then gave the basic files to Barham and he picked it up.

Barham then opened the file and was intrigued at Israel's Economy & Population which despite having a small territory along with a small population was able to have a strong economy. Not only he was surprised by the economy, He was astonished at the three major wars with these so-called 'Arabs' despite being outnumbered and outgunned from all sides. Other than that, He had no problems with knowing the names of their current President & Prime Minister with thoughts that their political system functions the same as Pecunia. 

Unbeknownst to him however while reading the file, The summarized history of Israel isn't even complete and they (Israelis) deliberately did it so their potential enemy couldn't come up with any counter plans for any Israeli Offensive.

Barham would then place the files in the table after finishing scanning the entire summarized information about Israel and he said to him.

"I'm impressed about your economy and history, It seems that 'Israel' has hardships until your country was able to become what it is today." 

"Indeed, The State of Israel is currently having a strong economy and the nation so far is still developing after the transfer." Noah said.

"Transfer you say? I hear stories of transference of humans to this world but not an entire country. To be honest, I'm surprised that a transference of a nation happened." Barham asked and was curious of Israel's sudden transference.

"Yes, Our country suddenly lost all forms of communications and we seem to be transferred in another world."

"I see... Not only your transference is very unusual but your mysterious methods of swiftly ending a war like in Mancipia is such a fantasy tale to remember. Can I ask how your country is able to end a war that quick?" Barham asked hoping to gain any information about their doctrines that caused Mancipian War to end fast.

"That information is classified... Government orders." Noah simply replied.

"I see... Does your country need trade."

"We could use some trade since our resources are not that plenty, A limited trade deal should work for both of our countries."

"I could arrange for a limited trade deal between the two of our countries but, What do you think about demons?" Barham said bringing up the topic of Demons.

"Demons? They are an evil force that is the source of sin & temptation. Why are you asking this seemingly irrelevant question?" Noah asked curiously.

"A Demon invasion may come and a Conference would be held at some point if there are signs that the invasion begins. Demon invasions occur unexpectedly and there are no exact times as to when they will strike. Thus, countries are already developing their own ways to warn of any demon invasion especially when magic is involved." Barham explained the Demon invasion.

"I see... Thanks for the info," Noah said.

"My pleasure, So... I would formally invite your country to a conference in advance. Discuss the invitation with your leaders, I am looking forward to their acceptance." Barham stated.

"I will make sure the invitation is forwarded to our leaders." Noah replied.

"Good, Is that all that Israel needed?" Barham questioned.

"That would be all, We are looking forward to carry out further diplomatic talks between our countries." Noah said.

"Alright, May our newly established diplomatic talks further bring us cooperation." Barham said with satisfaction.

Both of them stood up and had a handshake affirming that Israel - Allyrian Relations is now official. The entire conversation was recorded and Mossad heard the whole thing especially Emily who was the Chief Security for Noah's safety.

At the Mossad Van
The van was parked in an undisclosed place near the Embassy and from what they heard in the conversation, They were shocked to learn that demons exists that such a new threat is potentially dangerous for the existence of the State of Israel. 

"Demons exists? I thought they are just invisible figures who cause temptation and sin without knowing." The Mossad Operative said with a shock

"I assume the ambassador is trying to deceive us, Politics in this fucking world may be bloody deceiving and complicated." Another operative stated.

"No shit, Why not prepare some Anti-Demon items we have in our local Synagogues and use it once they come?" An Ultra Orthodox Mossad Operative said.

Everyone inside the van was voicing their opinions on how to take down demons if they were real and others claiming it was a hoax made by the ambassador. Emily then stepped in and fired a shot up in the air which caused a hole in the van that rain dropped in. The van fell silent and Emily was now allowed to speak.

"People, We have things to focus here and that is gathering intelligence... We don't know if these demons exists and that's why we will have to delve in further to this demon tomfoolery." Emily said with such an assertive speech

"But how, Our resources are overstretched in Portentis and-" His statement was cut off by Emily.

"I don't want to hear your concerns, Mr. Rossbach! Anyways, We have what we wanted and that is diplomatic relations & an invitation to the conference. With those things, We can infiltrate their country and confirm the existence of 'demons' that you are all bickering about after that conversation." Emily further stated the obvious objectives of the Mossad & they are now finally be able to infiltrate the country whilst gathering any basic information regarding Allyria through these limited-scale trades.

A/N: School's here and the release would be delayed. Sorry for the delay btw, I'm losing motivation and I'm getting distracted pretty often. Also SEX

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