Chapter 1

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Dear Reader,
Before you read the first chapter of "These Lies Between Us," please be aware that this story begins after episode 7 and the original plot of Baht Oyunu will be the same as in this fanfic. I wanted to keep the original plot the same, but AdBors story from here on will be different from the dizi. I will do my best to incorporate some storylines from the dizi to keep some resemblance to the original story, but there will definitely be differences.

I always thought it was interesting how a piece of work could be imagined in different ways, and this is my take on how I would have written Ada and Bora's story.

With Love,


Large, puffy, grey clouds warned Ada that rain would soon fall again, and Ada had every intention of making it to her apartment before she got soaked for a second time.

After a long workday at the restaurant, all Ada wanted to do was change into PJs and let her warm bed remove the sorrows of the day - but her yellow bug had other intentions. So when the engine gave out 14 blocks from her apartment, Ada had no other choice but to make the long walk home in the pouring rain. What a way to be called back to reality, she thought. For a moment, she had forgotten what it had felt like to sacrifice one need for another, but the instant her car gave out, she knew she would have to leave it behind because that's what it meant to live on a waitress wage; choosing one need over another and having electricity at home was more of a priority than paying to get her car towed.

With the low rumbling of thunder in the distance and her arms tightly wrapped around her slim figure, Ada could finally see her apartment complex, but what she didn't expect to see parked in front of the main door was a familiar black car.

Faltering in her steps, Ada took in Bora's tall, athletic figure leaning against the passenger door as he stared down at the ground, lost in thought.

When Ada saw Bora earlier that night at the restaurant, she had not expected to see him again, especially after the big fight they had just had. She remembered those last words he spoke to her at the company - I need a partner I can trust, and I don't know if I can trust you, Ada. If only he knew how right he was because if he knew the extent of her lies, how could he ever look at her the same way again? But more importantly, how could she continue looking into the eyes of the best man she had ever met and know that she had deceived him so much. What are you doing here, Bora bey, she thought, and why can't I escape you?

She must have made a sound, or maybe he felt her presence because his eyes found hers, and she could have sworn she saw his chest fall, as if he let out a deep breath he himself didn't realize he was holding. Strength returned in her steps as Ada made her way towards him, "What are you doing here, Bora bey?"

Bora straightened to his full height, and Ada found herself craning her neck to meet his heavy dark eyes, "We don't work together anymore, Ada. So you don't have to keep calling me Bora bey."

"We already said all we had to say to each other, Bora bey," Ada said with noticeable agitation, "There isn't anything left for us to talk about."

Bora took in Ada's appearance, "You'll freeze out here. Let's go inside and talk."

"We already said everything we needed to."

"You said everything; I haven't."

"What more could you possibly have left to say?!"

Bora pursed his lips and hesitated. He knew that whatever words came out of his mouth would further overstep boundaries; he adjusted his collar. "What - what's the real reason you left the company? And don't give me that same sorry excuse that it wasn't working out because this was your dream. Writing is your dream. Why, even after asking you to come back, why are you so insistent on staying away?"

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