Chapter 3: The Widow

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  • Dedicated to Beautiful Creatures a awesome book and soon to be movie

Steve and Danny pulled up in front of the Jackmon house. Telling the family was the worst part of the job. It never easy especially when they had to ask them stuff like who could have done this. When Steve knocked on the door he couldn't help but think of the night he was told of his moms death. Only to find out she was alive. When the door opened and a young girl stepped out it made it so much worse. She could'nt have been more than five.

"Hi I'm here to see your mom is she home?" He said in as light of a tone as he could. A woman stepped out she had blond hair and brown eyes. She saw the two cops outside her front door she immediately broke down.

"No. No. No." She yelled knowing what they were here for. Two more kids stepped out from the hallway behind her. There was another girl who was about the same age as the other one. In the arms of a boy in his teens probably a sophomore.

"Mom whats wrong?" The older one had said putting the little girl down.

"Trevor go take the twins out back."

"Did something happen to dad?"

"Trevor please." She said on the verge of tears. Trevor rushed the twins outback, and the mother let them in. "Are you sure it's Matt?"

"Sadly we are I'm sorry." Danny hated this as much as Steve did maybe even more.

"How could this of happened I just saw him this morning. He wasn't even working today." She put her hands over her face.

"What do you mean he wasn't supposed to work today?" Steve looked at Danny wondering what the victim could have been doing.

"He had the day off today. He went to meet someone. Why do you think whoever he met killed Matt?"

"Okay this is very important who did Matt go to see?" Steve leaned forward.

"Um someone named Jason Larken- Larmon- no wait Larson. Jason Larson was his name that was all Matt told me."

"Look I'm really sorry but is there anything else you can tell us about this guy. Have you ever met?" She looked down thinking hard about it.

"Yeah I saw him when he came to pickup Matt. He um had a suit on and had dark hair. That's all I know I'm sorry."

"What did the car look like did you get a liscene plate number?"

"Yeah it was a something like JGK 376."

"How can you remember all of that?"

"Matt had us all learn to always memorize licence plates." She said about to cry again.

"Thank you for all of your help and I truly am sorry." Steve and Danny got up to leave when the wife asked them one last question.

"Have you found his phone. There were some pictures of us that I want." She said hopefully.

"Sorry there was no phone on him."

"Well if you find it can you get it back to me?" A hopeful glint in her eyes. Steve just nodded as she headed out of the door.

"We need to find Jason." Steve said walking to the car.

"I'll call Kono maybe she will be able to find him."


Back at Five-0 HQ

As soon as Kono saw Steve and Danny (More like heard them. They always seemed to be disagreeing) she walked over to them anxious with the news that she found.

"Okay so the car is rental registered to Larson. He is a corrupt manager at Soman international. It's a trading company centres in North Korea."

"We should go pay him a vist." Danny hated getting international companies.

"Where is he staying at?" Steve said ready to head out again.

"He is at The Hilton. Room 312."

"Alright we'll go pick him up. Dig deeper see if you can find out anything else about this guy." 

"On it."

"Alright lets go get this guy." 


Room 312, The Hilton 

"Jason Larson! Five-0 open up!" Steve yelled pounding on the door. Nothing happened. "Larson open up!" Still nothing.

"Hold on I've got the master key." Danny swiped the card unlocking the door. Guns drawn they headed inside. Only to see Jason Larson escape through the window.


He didn't.

Steve ran out the window on to the fire escape. Following him down the fire escape. Larson shot a couple rounds off at him, but none of them hit. The space between them was closing by the time they got to the street. Steve was right on top of him.

Though when Larson tried to cross the street a black windowless van ran Larson over. Before Steve could even really registered the fact that their number one suspect was just killed. Two men with masks and semi-automatics jumped out of the car and attacked him. He drew his weapon  only to have one of them come up behind him and inject him with a needle.

The drugs took effect quickly and Steve knew that he was going to fall unconscious soon, so he did they only thing he knew he could do. Help them find his kidnappers. The kidnappers were wearing gloves, so he grabbed his phone ripped of one of their gloves shoved his phone inside and through it as far as he could. The last thing he heard was Danny screaming at him at least a few blocks behind, and his gun goig off before he passed out.


Now that that's out of the way ANOTHER CHAPTER DOWN. It took me forever to get this done. Because I wrote it then I tried to save it and then (tear) I LOST MY INTERNET CONNECTION NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. But other than that I had a AMAZING DAY there's a new movie coming out called Beautiful Creatures that was a book I read (You can read the first chapter of it if you search in in the searchy bar up there) and the cast is coming to the Mall of America and I 'm going AHHHHHHH. So know that I have thoroughly freaked out I would like to give another thanks to DaniiEagle and McGarrettsgirl for helping me publicize. LATERS

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