Chapter 6 : Comfort

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Y/n's Pov

Months has passed as i still cry whenever i looked at the memories burn. I gasp for air and got up from bed looking out the window 'I'm so sorry S/n, B/n.. i should've been extra protective of you guys..' i sigh as someone was opening the door handle, i looked as mom was bringing breakfast

"Darling, You need to eat now." mom said as she left the house "Thanks" i muttered as the silence room filled with my mutters, i grabbed the food and started eating it slowly. I sigh as i finish and washed the dish.

As i sat down on the couch i saw a text from Mabel gleeful 'i wonder why..' i tapped the notification and read it slowly

'Y/N, we figured you've been stressing out from your loss.. So we were gonna ask if you wanna go to the mountains to have fresh air and a little picnic over, I am still sorry for the loss L/n. Please answer or simply read it xoxo'

The text wrote as i smiled, i got up and walked to the gleeful's manor. There was no one outside so i knocked on their door twice and the handle opened revealing a highlighted cipher bowing "Come i-in mrs L/n" he said as he goes to the living room, He slowly leaves me as i sat down

He hand out a elegant tea set as he poured tea down your cup "H-here it is Y/n." He smiled as i waved at him goodbye "Hello there Y/n!!" I heard a scream from a familiar voice as they hugged me, I looked behind and saw the great Mabel gleeful "H-hey! You scared me.." i stuttered as a chuckle slipped out from her mouth

"Your just so cute when your scared sweetie~" She placed her index finger on my chin as she gave me an unsettling smile "Thats enough, Come on Y/n" Dipper grabbed my hand as we trailed our way to the mountain, The trees surrounding the area as thousands of clouds gather up in the blue sky

Narrator's Pov

"What a beautiful place to pick Dipper" Mabel smiled at his frowny faced twin as he sigh "Let's go to the edge of the mountain, I'm sure the views great!" Suggested the brunet as he trailed his fingers on Y/n's h/c hair. Making the older twin angry "I'll b-be watching" Stuttered the brunette as she looked around

"Are you sure? I'm scared i'll fall.." said the unsured E/c eyed color female as she looked straight to Dipper's blue orbs "Trust me my beloved" He teased as they looked down "I-" As Y/n was gonna finish her sentence she almost fell as Dipper grabbed her by the waist "Are you okay my love?" He asked as Y/n gasped

"Y-yeah.. can we go start the picnic?" She asked as Dipper leaned closer to Y/n's beautiful face as he almost felt her lips "Ahem?" Heard a female voice as it revealed a jealous older twin. "Yeah come on" Y/n cleared as all of them sat down on a carpet looking at the beautiful view

"The sky's beautiful.. thanks for the comfort guys" Smiled the h/c haired girl as both twins felt their face red, Both blushing as Y/n giggled at their expression "O-oh yeah its morning r-right? I forgot to put on a j-jacket.." Stuttered the h/c haired woman as wind burst into her cold body

"Here have mine Y/n, You can also keep it" Said the brunette as she gave her jacket to the h/c haired woman, Making her feel warm "Thanks.." Y/n said as they blushed on her beautiful smile

"Hey! I've been looking for you anywhere Y/n!" The trio Heard a shout as it revealed Paisley shouting from a distance "Whats wrong flower?" Asked the brunette as Paisley smiled "Its nothing, i just wanted to know if your fine Y/n" Said Paisley as she smiled

"I gotta go, I have some problems to deal with" Said the girl as she disappears from the fog "Wow she can do magic greater than you" Joked Y/n as they all chuckle "Yeah whatever L/n" Said the brunette as they both got up from the ground and walk home

"Thanks guys for comforting me" Y/n said as both of the gleeful twins happily smiled "Its nothing really Y/n" They both said as Y/n waved goodbye

I'm back writing this discontinued story :D Thank you all for the support!

Created by : K7rumi
Partner : none
Words : 787

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