Chapter 5

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I represent,


Anastasia Pierce:

I technically raced my shadow to my friends. I reached the abandoned hallway and accidentally walked in on three hufflepuffs.

"Sorry sorry." I held my palm out apologising as the two girls and the guy freaked out. "Wrong direction." I smiled awkwardly before turning back.

I was yanked from my waist into the bathroom. "You're out early. And why are you messed up?" Liz raised a brow at me.

"I cried and it was so fucking awkward. I hated it, but he wanted to force me to write again, he dismissed me because..." i stopped gulped and took my breath in. "Because he couldn't bear the the sound of my voice." I huffed.

"Where's Blaise?" I rested my shoulders. "I don't know, he said he was going to get his robe from class, let's go check on him the hufflepuffs already stopped moaning." She ran her fingers through her hair.

"Okay." I shook my head trying my best not to confess to my best friend that i just sucked our professor's dick.

We strolled to the potions classroom and flung the door opened only to find Blaise's tongue rolling down Bridgeton's throat as she was on the teacher's desk in her bra and skirt.

"Jesus Christ." I slapped my mouth snorting as she freaked out putting her robe on. "Blaise!" Liz burnt her eyes through him. He pulled back quickly looking at both of us with shock.

"I'm just gonna go." Amelia said grabbing the rest of her clothes and rushing out. "Run and hide Bridgeton!" Liz screamed before marching to Blaise. Blaise and Liz, they both have been in love with each other since as long as i could remember, and this is the second time this would happen. I knew she was hurt now. I heard her little gasp.

"Fuck you Zabini." She narrowed her eyes at him pushing his chest, but he didn't stir. "What did i do?" He held his arms out. "I'm single i could do whatever i want." He shook his head.

"Yeah, stay that way too!" She yelled as i noticed the little heartbreak in her voice. "You're a piece of shit, and i... hate you." She poked his chest as he raised a brow looking at me with parted lips.

She turned back storming out with her robe flowing behind her, and i could notice the tiny tear on the corner of her eye. "Anna, you coming?!" She asked from outside. "Yes!" I answered but before i left.

"You'll need to make it up, I don't how but you will need to. But right now don't near her, she might kill you." I whispered to him as he sucked his lips nodding. "She never said it." He pointed outside.

"She never will if you don't step up first. Blaise you know: she's afraid." I inclined at him. "So am i." He knitted his brows. "No, no you're not. You're in denial. Now i have to go, she needs me so bad right now." I murmured as he nodded slapping his forehead in regret.

I went out taking her hand. We went back to our dorm before she sat on the bed.

"I hate him." She started looking down. "No you don't." I took off my robe sitting beside her. "I should. I should because sometimes he makes me feel like I'm absolutely nothing! Nobody." She described with a breaking tone.

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