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"Humans are, characteristically, very weird,"

Ms Jenkins begun, her ash coloured coat hung down her body, leapt like a towel, neck so short, one could barely differentiate her shoulder and head,

"but, people outside Chillary are weird-er."

It was already mid-Friday and the Agentry Sign Language and Human Behaviour class was not the most brilliant one in the box. One could either see Felix's bored eyes or expression masked carefully with attention as if, even though they are physically present, their minds were remotely interested.

Sign Language, although piqued quite an interest in the beginning, the idea of being with Ms Jenkins for the whole hour, brought it down just as soon.

"But what even is weird-er-er is their language." She went on, taking slow steps around the table, "and they have failed successfully to degrade it over ages. Let's take for example the sentence,"

She paused for a second and glanced around the room as if prying over her prey,

" 'I am going to go to this restaurant.'

As a citizen of Chillary, this might sound extremely normal and you might ask me 'what's wrong with this?' And to answer that I would say, nothing is, because nothing is, in fact, wrong with it."

One golden thing that most Felixes would agree on is that Ms Jenkins really loved to twist words and elongate her sentences, flexing her vocabulary and waste time all at the same time.

"But it gets weird when a person outside Chillary tries to say it." She took a pause again.

Islared who was trying her best not to slam her head on the wall kept staring at Ms Jenkins as if she was unwrapping the true essence of the Universe but finding nothing but utter bullshit inside it.

She felt Alvero lean forward and whisper, "How many times do you think she will utter the word 'Chillary' ?"

"Shut up."

"I bet at least thirty times?"


"Hmm, I think at least fifty times. Wanna bet?"

"Alvero Alexander Alley, shut your face up."

Talking inside CPA and especially during classes can fetch me grim cards, which would mean a suspension, or worse, expulsion.

"Who wants to know what people outside Chillary would say?"

Unlike them, all Felixes raised their hands on the air, persistent attentive faces all around.

"Good, I really appreciate how all of you are paying attention." Ms Jenkins said, her face spread into a smile, "So who's gonna tell us — all of us — how people outside Chillary talk? Mr Peggings, would you like to try?"

Islared turned towards the boy Ms Jenkins pointed at. William Peggins, a nerdy ravenette, struggling under the weight of his suit, slightly flinching at his name being called out loud, stood up knocking a few books in front of him, clearly taken by surprise and unease.

He looked up at Ms Jenkins, eyes welled up with tears, silently, ashamed.

"Take your time, Mr Peggins." She simply said before turning her attention towards the notebook on her desk, turning its pages. Mimicking her, every other one turned their attention to anything in front of them, may it their iPads or the empty desk in front of them, giving William his space.

Almost everyone knew how to behave or act during someone's panic attack/embarrassment, to avoid humiliation, both of themselves and the victim's. Besides ace-ing in technology, Chillary also had developed in humanity.

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