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1934, ____ ____ HAS BEEN MISSING SINCE 1914!

The water started to get colder. The girl blinked her eyes. She widened her eyes,and sat up.
The girl gasped.
The hole had closed, She had no way of getting back up. Her dress got quite soggy.
The girl got up, looking for another opening.
She bumped into a wall, it was dirt built to the old opening that was sealed.

"Hey! There's a kid here~" A voice slurred behind the girl. The girl turned around.
It was a tall person, claws on it's hands and feet.
"I'm Crows." Its voice rasped. "You're in the underground wonderland." The other thing came out of the shadows. It was also tall, grey stripes and it was pitch black, its eyes were yellow. "The name is Chamber."
  "I-I'm.." The girl started.
"I..actually forgot my name." She shrugged.
"That's not great," Chamber blinked it's eyes. "Listen, the leader here.. Dosen't like people without names. Let's call you Iris." Says Crows, Trying to comfort the girl.
"Oh..I guess I'm Iris then" Iris mumbled. "Things fall down here. Then they become part of the shadows."
They brung Iris to the leader of the Underground Wonderland, who wasn't that far.
Iris gasped. There was a huge throne infront of a mansion, A figure was sitting there. "Sir?" Words escaped Iris' mouth before she could comprehend.
"That's a ma'am to you." The woman scolded leaning her head up. "I'm his wife."
      "Oh..Pardon me.."
Iris bowed. The woman shook her head. "You're new, I suppose." The woman arose from the throne, drifting towards Iris.
"Yes, Leader Terroi," Crows saved. "Her name is Iris, She's...Uhmm..."
"Seven..?" Crows lied.
"The age to live by yourself is one thousand you wankers."
"....She's nine hundred ninety nine..?" Crows insisted.
     "Close enough."
The air became colder,as Iris clenched her fist.
"Do you think I'm fucking stupid?" Leader Terroi scolded. "She dosen't look a day over thirteen."
"Lead her to the orphanage."
Iris' pupils turned smaller,In shock.
Leader Terroi trailed in front of Iris. "No she is..uhm...our kid!" Leader Terroi rolled her eyes and picked Iris up.
Iris' eyes got heavier and fell asleep.

"Sit down! You have no power down here, you fell on purpose!" A voice rasped. Iris opened her eyes. She was laying on a broken bed. A tall person stood in front of a crying little girl. Iris turned over, trying not react. "I'm sorry Mr. Talk.." the little girl hugged her knees. Mr Talks? Iris thought.
The door slammed loudly, Making Iris know she was safe. She sat up, staring at the crying little girl.
The little girl stood up, staring at the broken bed in front of her.
"I'm Demi, Did you fall too?" She asked.
"Yes. I'm Iris" Iris smiled, crawling off of the bed.

The room became colder.

   "How long have you been here?" Demi asked.

   "About an hour?"
Demi narrowed her eyes.

"No way." Iris titled her head.
    "What?" Iris asked In anticipation.

"Everyone who falls is in here for atleast thirty years before waking up."

Iris blinked. What?
"Ugh, I'm so hungry.." Iris cried. Demi sighed.
  Iris' eyes got heavier, allowing her to fall back asleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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