Chapter 1

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Oswald can’t remember the last five minutes.

There are a couple of blurry snapshots, like a grenade bouncing at his and Ed’s feet and the feeling of white hot pain erupting from his eye socket and warm blood dripping down his fingers, but there isn’t much else.

He has no idea how he got from outside to the bottom of this staircase, his back up against it with Ed fluttering frantically around him, or why there were other people talking about other things that are obviously less important than what he’s dealing with right now, or really what is actually wrong with him.

There really isn’t much going through his head besides pain, hot, white, pain, and Ed, oh God is Ed okay?

Which would be concerning, if he hadn’t been subject to one of Ed’s many ramblings about the human mind and what it can do- but he has, and he knows that this is probably, maybe, hopefully a completely normal thing to happen when one is in the amount of pain that he’s in right now.

Okay. Focus. Deep breaths. He can do that.


Breathe in.
There’s a cloth pressed up against his right eye, one that is soaked with what he’s guessing is probably blood.

He can’t see out of that eye, and it’s in an incredible amount of pain, like pain that he’s never experienced in his life, not even when Fish broke his leg and then he was forced to curl up in the back of a trunk with it, so most likely it's a lost cause. He can worry about that later.

Breathe out.
He’s inside, not outside, so there’s little chance he’ll be hit with a stray bullet unless the enemy gets inside. He has at least a minute to recover before the threat forces them to move again.

Breathe in.
Bane and his men are coming for them and the GCPD, and they will most likely be dead if they don’t move their asses sooner rather than later. Which is not good, definitely something he needs to worry about.

Breathe out.
Ed is okay. He can hear him breathing and muttering fearfully to himself, and Oswald’s got his hand clamped so tight around his wrist that he can feel a steady, if way too fast, pulse. Ed is fine. Ed is fine.

And Ed is talking to him. What is he saying?

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