《Chapter 4》

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Since their first date, Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan met often, lavishly spending time with each other. Xiao Zhan had opened up to the younger man, sharing his worries and feelings. Moreover, the two were comfortable with slight skinship like holding hands and hugging. The late night calls and frequent texts made it easier for them to stay updated with one another.
Wang Yibo eagerly picked up the call when he saw the caller ID, Mr. Sugar Daddy.
"Zhan ge, I was waiting for your call." Wang Yibo confessed without hesitation.
Xiao Zhan chuckled and replied, "I just got back home."
"It's almost 11:30, Zhan ge. You're such a workaholic CEO. Don't come to me crying when you fall ill. I won't take care of you." Wang Yibo groaned.
Xiao Zhan could feel Wang Yibo's pout over the phone. He had always warned him about staying up late for work.
"Even my baby doesn't care about me. Such a pathetic life." Xiao Zhan faked a complaint. "Anyway, I've something to tell you. My Dad has decided to help me with the work and gave me some days off."
"Really?" Wang Yibo's voice beamed with joy. "Will you be spending time with me? Or do you have other plans?"
"Of course not. I've dedicated the days for my Sugar Baby and booked two tickets to Bangkok." Xiao Zhan announced.
"Wow, Zhan ge, you're the best Daddy in the World." Wang Yibo screamed in excitement.
"Huh? Do you remember our first call, Yibo? You had a different opinion."
"But my sweet Zhan ge has changed and now he is the best Daddy for me."
Xiao Zhan chuckled lightly at the reply, "Pack your clothes and necessities. We'll be departing tomorrow in the afternoon. I'll pick you up."
"Okay, Zhan ge. Have a tight sleep."
"Good night, Yibo. Sweet dreams." Xiao Zhan hung the call with a grin and flipped his phone in anticipation.
The duo reached their destination after a long four and half hour flight. Xiao Zhan booked them a luxurious private room with a poolside view.
"Man, I'm so tired." Wang Yibo pulled off his backpack and dropped it on the couch.
"Take a long bath and relax." Xiao Zhan smiled as he took off his jacket. "We are serviced with two bathrooms. You can use the one on the right corner."
"We have two separate beds?" Wang Yibo asked in confusion.
"Are you upset, Wang Yibo?" Xiao Zhan's lips curled up into a devilish smirk. He leaned closer and whispered against his ear in a sultry tone, "You can sleep with me if you want."
"Fuck off old man!" Wang Yibo pushed him away with bright pink ears.
"It's so much fun teasing you, Wang Yibo." Xiao Zhan giggled while Wang Yibo glared at him before stomping towards the bathroom.
At night, they called for room service and had a pleasant dinner. Xiao Zhan freshened up and poured himself a glass of wine, "Yibo, want some?"
"I'll pass, Zhan ge. Can't tolerate alcohol."
Wang Yibo laid on his bed and stared intensely at the elder man who sat on the couch opposite to his bed. His eyes watched the plum lips part as he sipped the red wine. His gaze trailed down to Xiao Zhan's throat and the movement of his Adams apple as the liquid travelled down. Wang Yibo felt his mouth dry and gulped hard. Xiao Zhan felt the younger's gaze burning holes in him and waved his hand. Wang Yibo broke from the trance and blinked his eyes.
"Puppy, you look so lost. Why don't you come sit on Daddy's lap?" Xiao Zhan smirked, patting his thighs.
"Dream on pervert!" Wang Yibo rolled his eyes and turned on his back to face the other side.
Xiao Zhan made his way towards Yibo's bed and whispered, "How dared you ignore me, Wang Yibo? Now watch me punish you."
"You think I'm afraid of you, Mr. Sugar Daddy?" Wang Yibo raised an eyebrow.
Xiao Zhan cracked his knuckles and tickled the other guy, making him shriek out, "Z-Zhan ge… Haha… Stop i-it… Haha… Zhan….ge.."
"Will you do that again?"
"....Haha... Of c-course..I would.." Wang Yibo wriggled to get himself out of Xiao Zhan's hands, his eyes brimming with tears. Xiao Zhan continued his sweet assault while chuckling, "S-Stop… That tickles.."
"Sorry, my hands slipped." Xiao Zhan proclaimed victoriously.
Wang Yibo caught his breath and sharpened his eyes, "In that case… My turn."
Wang Yibo jumped onto the elder man and tickled him in return, "... Y-Yibo… Haha... No..."
"Victory is mine." Wang Yibo grinned wickedly as he ran his naughty hands all over Xiao Zhan.
And so the room echoed with the laughter and giggles of the two men. The next morning, Wang Yibo found himself pressed against a hard chest. He fluttered his eyes open and was greeted with a calm face of Xiao Zhan sleeping peacefully. Wang Yibo smiled when he felt Xiao Zhan's arms around him protectively.
Huh? Did he sleep here?...... Damn it feels so good in his arms. So warm. So comforting….. Argh!! What's wrong with me??.... I'm just his Sugar Baby… Wake up Wang Yibo!
Wang Yibo slowly pulled away without waking the other man. He went to the bathroom to freshen up. Xiao Zhan woke up after a couple of minutes and looked for Yibo. He saw him busy scrolling through the phone with a smile.
"Good morning, Zhan Ge." Wang Yibo greeted him with a smile.
"Morning Yibo." Xiao Zhan yawned and stretched out.
"Hurry up. We need to explore Bangkok."
"Give me ten minutes."

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