The beginning...

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Hi, I shall share my journey as a Professional Social Worker. With a PhD in Psychiatric Social Work, I have travelled a long way .......still travelling, I want to share my journey as a Social worker. My journey starts from the day I seeked admission in college . I was told by my parents to join B Com and I as an obedient child did so, it was when I was returning back from admission that I met my friend  and I still remember her words......." B Com.....we are not meant for that , join  IRPM it is for people like you and me who like to be with people".........and very next day I was attending my first class in IRPM with out knowing what subjects it had . first period was Social Work, 2nd period language , 3rd period Psychology and last period was Industrial Relations. It was then that I understood what I was going to explore .............! 

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