New start

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First year:

First one month of my college, I went into class and then we were told During our theory classes that we will be asked to go and visit few organizations for practical work.

It was a strange thing how can we practice theory which is generally social work a dry subject we always thought that practical's were always for scientific things or something which is tangible.

The organizations that were serving people in need. The names that were given to us were Hospital for Mental Care, Rani Chandramana Devi hospital for handicapped, Lebenshelfe and Grewalters.

There was a sense of excitement and also a fear. It was the first time ever that we were visiting the organizations independently and trying to make our own mark. It was a real challenging , however when we entered the organization it was altogether a separate experience. We were welcomed well, people were very helpful this supported us. They helped us understand the vision and mission of the organization, the rules, the functions and why that organization exists. This visit, the first visit was the life changing visit for me, I joined the course thinking that I would do Industrial Relations and Personality Development and settle as a labor officer or a welfare officer in companies because Visakhapatnam had number of established companies at that time and also there were many new coming . It was after this visit that my whole approach to life changed. I decided that there were two other subjects along with IRPM, that is social work and psychology that would be my core focus and as days passed on, I knew, I was born to be a social worker...... a person to be with , to understand to emphasize with them rather than sympathize with them, I had decided I shall help everyone who came to me in the best possible way and I knew I am not doing a service but I am a professional social worker. My approach of looking into subject, understanding it and applying it in the field completely changed . I was able to apply casework, group work, community work in the organization that I was working.

I knew I had to develop a lot of skills , have to focus on a lot of skills. Lucky enough we were in a girls college which avoided many distractions for us . First year was only visiting the organizations and understanding them.

Thus, the first year ended understanding concepts and relating it to field.

HII!! so first chapter slow updates on this book!!! Enjoy

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