Chapter 18 | Shopping

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Hello everyone!!! I cannot believe I have hit 1K reads!!! I'm so happy, you have no idea! Thank you guys so so so much! By the way, on the side is the dresses the girls picked. You'll know what I'm talking about once you read the chapter. The long one is Penelope's dress. The short pink one is Sabrina's dress and the short blue one is Giselle's dress. Hope you guys like who I picked and enjoy the rest of the chapter!

During lunch I tell Sabrina everything I overheard.

"I'm not sure who it is. The voice did sound familia though." I say I take a drink of my juice.

"You said they went into Ms. Ketat's room right?" Sabrina asks. I nod to show that it is. Caleb comes and sits by us along with Marcus.

"Hey, guys. What's up." He looks at our faces and notices something is wrong. "What's wrong?"

"Penelope said she o-" Sabrina starts but I interrupt her. I don't want him to know what I heard.

"I think I might going to homecoming." It was the first thing that popped into my mind. Great, I think. Now I have to go to homecoming.

"Really?!" Sabrina shrieks. "Yay! I knew I could convince you." She says proudly. "Wait. What about-" I give her the look that means please-don't-mention-it look. At least that's what I hoped she saw. She must have gotten the message because she stops. She gives me a confused look, though.

"Do you have a date for homecoming?" Caleb asks me. Oh my god. Is he asking me to homecoming?

"Uh. No." I look at him hoping for him to ask me. Unfortunately he doesn't.

"Oh." He says. Just, oh.

Sabrina hits her forehead and then says, "Just ask her to homecoming already, Caleb. We all know you want to." She removes her hand from her forehead and puts it on the table.

Caleb turns red and so do I. "Okay, Uh. Penelope, would you like to go to homecoming with me?

Sabrina turns to look at me. "Yeah. I'd love to." I reply.

"Sabrina would you like to go with me to homecoming?" I turn around to see Marcus speak.

"Me? Why?"

"Why not?"


Because what?"

"Because why not? You're going to be with Penelope, I'm going to be with Marcus. Instead of being the third and fourth wheel why not just double date?"

She considers this for moment before she accepts. "Fine."


On Friday after school we go to the mall shopping for a dress. Giselle also joins us.

"Oh my god. I'm so excited!"

"I know, right?" Sabrina exclaims.
We walk into many stores. Sabrina and Giselle drag me along. "Come on, Pen. Please? At least just try it on."

"Ugh. Do I have to?"

"Yes." Sabrina and Giselle say at the same time.

"Fine." I grab the dress from Sabrina's grip and try it on. Once I have it on I look in the mirror in the dressing room. It's long and white. It has spaghetti straps and is way to tight, I could barely walk in it.

"How is it?" Giselle says from outside the dressing room.

"It's way to tight I'm taking it off."

"What? It's in your size. Let us see it first." Sabrina says. We don't say what's both on our mind. I've gotten bigger...

"Too late. I've already taken it off." I take off the dress and put on my normal clothes. As soon as I come out Sabrina shoves another dress into my face.

"Here try this one on." I groan and go back into the dressing room. One of the things I hate about shopping is trying on the clothes. Just me?

I look at it once I'm wearing it. It's like a pink orange yellow-y sort of color. I don't know what it's called exactly. It's long, it covers my feet. A little above my hip and up, it's made up of crystals. From the bottom down its sheer. It hugs me in the right places and looks perfect on me. You can barely tell in pregnant.

When I come out of the dressing room Giselle and Sabrina shriek. A few of the other customers turn to looking at us.

"It's perfect!" Giselle shrieks.

"You are going to look totally hot in that dress at the dress." I spin around in the dress, showing it off. I really hope Caleb likes it, I think.

Giselle turns to Sabrina, "Okay, now work your fashion magic on me." They go in search for a dress while I go back into the dressing room and take it off. When I come out I go where Sabrina and Giselle were headed. I find them, searching for dresses in the racks.

"How about this one?" Giselle takes out a short blue dress that stops a little above her knee. From the bottom going up, crystals start to appear.

"It looks very nice." I say. She goes and tries it on. When she comes out it, you can see it looks wonderful on her.

"So how do I look?" She puts her hands on her hips, very model like.

"Gorgeous." Sabrina compliments.

"There is this guy, who I really want to ask me to the dance. I've had a crush on him for a while. If he see me in this dress, do you think he'll think I'm pretty?"

"Giselle. You're gorgeous, with or without that dress." I say.

"But most importantly, who's the guy?" Sabrina asks, she sits down on a bench and gestures for Giselle to sit down next to her.

"Okay, but you can't tell anybody." She points her finger at both of us.

"We promise." We both say with a smile at our faces.

"Okay. Okay. It's, uh. It's Caleb." Sabrina is shocked, she doesn't even move. Her face expression is still the same, smiling. While my smile disappears. "I really like him." She looks at us and ask, "What's wrong?"

Should I tell her that Caleb asked me? Would she feel betrayed? I didn't know she had a crush on him.

"Nothing." I finally decide. "Let's go for Sabrina's dress!"

"Yeah!" Giselle claps her hands once. She takes off her dress and we go on the hunt for or more dress. Sabrina decided on a short pink dress. It has crystals right above her stomach. I've noticed our dresses have crystals. We leave the store with our homecoming dresses.

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