Ch. 2: Stranger from the Bar

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Chapter 2

*tw//cw:  drinking, mentions blacking out due to alcohol & throwing up*

May 25th, 10:00pm.

"Oh shit I am so sorry, that was a complete accident! Here let me help you"...

She bent over very quickly and grabbed me with both of her hands to help me up, and the feeling of her firm grip caught me off guard. She also grabbed my purse that I flung to the ground while I was falling.

"Sorry about that, this place is so crowded and you caught me right as I was turning around to head back to my booth," she said to me. Her voice had a very sincere tone to it, but the tone also gave me a sensual feeling.

"I... Uhh... No worries, it was totally my fault. I shouldn't have just run over!" I blurted out. Why was I so damn nervous all of a sudden? She's just a stranger that bumped into me, but for some reason she had my heart racing a mile a minute...

"Well, I'm Emily, and you are...?" She said, holding her hand out to shake mine...

"Y/N... It's nice to meet you, Emily!" I said back with an eager tone.

"Let me buy your round... It's the least I can do after knocking you face-first into the ground"

She said staring at me, I could tell she was trying to make it less awkward.

"Well, who am I to turn down some free drinks!" 

She placed her hand on my back to step to the other side of me and my face turned red in a split second. I stood there and watched her as she ordered the shots and waited for the bartender to fill them and put them in the tray. Her posture was picture perfect, her beautiful black hair falling just a little bit below her shoulders, her shirt was fitting, but fitting enough to the point where it could still be worn in a professional setting...

"Hey, Y/N, do you want me to walk over to your group with you and I can bring the shots?" she asked me. I must have fallen into a daze while admiring her body and she definitely caught me staring at her.

"Oh, yeah sure that works! Thanks so much, Emily". We both stood there for a couple of seconds before we moved. I wanted to keep staring at her and I felt like she was looking into my soul as well.

I walked her over to Sophie and the other people we ran into and explained, "Guys! Someone knocked me over at the bar and bought our round as an apology!"

"Omg WHAT?! YESSS free shots!" a bunch of the guys said...

"This is Emily, everyone!" I said as I stepped to the side a bit and introduced Emily. Everyone thanked her and greeted her as we all grabbed the shots and threw them back.

"I should probably head back to my friends now but it was nice meeting you all and I hope you enjoy your night... Y/N" She said looking at me as she nodded at me while putting her hand on my back to step away... Everyone had already started dancing again, and I tried my best to act like there wasn't anything on my mind but all I could think about was Emily. A brief interaction with a stranger had my mind consumed with curiosity, wanting to talk to her just for a little longer and get to know her, wanting to feel her dark brown eyes scanning me while in conversation. Maybe this is going to be one of those "most beautiful stranger on the streets that I won't ever see again" situations, which happens to the best of us.

After another couple of hours of dancing and drinking, I ran to the bathroom covering my mouth and feeling my stomach turning. I don't mix drinks often, so when I have a bunch of different types of drinks while out it tends to mess with my stomach. I ran into one of the stalls and threw up almost all of the alcohol I consumed that night. I felt so sick and gross sitting on that bathroom floor, definitely not the ideal way to be spending my night out. Suddenly I felt someone brush my hair back with their fingers and pull it out of my face...

"I've been in your position before honey, trust me, I know it's not fun. Get it all out and then I'll grab you some water..." A familiar voice said to me.

I was too busy getting sick to try and race through my memory and figure out who it was. After a solid ten minutes of getting sick, I felt my stomach feel a little bit at ease. Then I felt this person's hand rubbing my shoulder before she said, "That's it, good girl" and continued to rub my shoulder.

That alone sent shivers down my spine. I was already turned on just because that's what alcohol does to me and then seeing Emily didn't help because just from one look at her I wanted her lips on my mouth.

"Sorry for how gross that was, and thank you, I appreciate you- Emily?!" I began to turn around and say to the woman helping me, but before my eyes stood Emily, "Well this is quite embarrassing" I said as I let out a giggle and looked up at her.

"Don't worry about it" she smiled as she said back, "I've been where you are now MANY times. Come on, rinse your face off at the sink and I'll go grab you some water" she said to me.

She helped me up and as I walked over to the sink I saw her slip out of the bathroom. I turned the faucet on and grabbed a paper towel to wet it and run it over my mouth and face. I bent over to splash the cool water on my face, then I took the dry paper towel to pat my face dry.

I can't believe this... the ONE TIME I happen to get sick while drinking in public she's the one that was there to witness it. God, I am so embarrassed with myself... I thought to myself. I stood in front of the mirror trying to fix my eyeliner. I went to reach into my bag to grab my emergency one, but my bag wasn't there.

"SHIT!! Did I lose my fucking bag?!" I said to myself as I started to pace around the bathroom and look for it.

"Hey, hey, Y/N are you okay? What's wrong?" Emily walked in and said to me, her eyes full of concern.

"My bag, I- I can't find my bag!" I said back as I continued to look around the bathroom.

"Y/N, it's okay, I have it here. You dropped it earlier and I forgot to give it back to you, here" Emily stood holding out my purse to me.

"God, thank you. I'm sorry, I just got a little panicked... I feel like I let a little too loose tonight and now I have no sense of structure. Truly, thank you, Emily" I said to her with a weak smile as I grabbed my purse and walked back over to the mirror. I drank the water Emily got for me before fixing my eyeliner. I couldn't help but notice Emily staring at me from the corner of my eye, it seemed like she was admiring me. I could tell she was watching me do my eyeliner, so when I bent over into the mirror I positioned myself in a flirty way just to be a tease.

When I was done I looked at her with a weak smile, I was still so embarrassed. I took my phone out and texted Sophie to let her know I was getting us an uber home and that it was time to call it a night. When I scrolled through my contacts, I couldn't help but notice the new addition under the "E" names, "Emily Prentiss".

"Did you by any chance add your contact to my phone?" I asked as I glanced up at her, trying to not be obvious about how I was blushing.

"Oh, uhh, that... Yeah! Just in case you need anything... or in case you want to go out for drinks sometime..." She said back to me while playing with her fingers.

"Well thank you, Emily, that is very kind of you and I appreciate it..." I said back to her before turning to look into the mirror again to fix my hair, "and I'd love to grab a drink with you sometime" I said without looking at her. I got a notification saying that the uber was outside the bar and I looked up at Emily one more time before leaving the bathroom, "Thank you again, you were my superhero tonight" I smiled at her. She smiled back and then I slipped out the door to grab Sophie and finally get home. The ride home was quiet because Sophie was practically dead asleep and I couldn't get Emily off my mind... there's just something about her.

We arrived home, thanked the uber, and I helped Sophie into the house where she crashed into the couch and passed out for the night. I walked into my room and plopped into bed with zero energy to even change. Before I fell into a deep sleep, I pulled out my phone to text Emily...

"I hope you're staying safe tonight, thanks for being a lifesaver :)".

** sorry guys no smut/ intense stuff yet!! trying to set the scene and give the characters time to establish themselves and such, but it will be coming soon :)) **

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