Second day of a new school

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I wake up and I groan my alarm didn't go off bc I woke up 30 min before I never wake before my alarm  so I get ready bc  I couldnt  sleep anymore so I stared getting dressed and as I put on my booty shorts Colby texts me

* texts*

Colby: hay I'm gonna walk with u to school
Y/n: ok colbs umm what time?
Colby: mabey when ur alarm go off?
Y/n:ok sound good to me!
Colby: ok❤️ 
I stop texting Colby so I can get finished getting ready and I couldn't stop thing of the red heart that Colby put he never texts red heart since he's EMO he uses black ones but that was a little weird anyway I get ready and as I was about to text Colby that I was ready my alarm goes off and I jump "holy shit that sacred me" I say to myself and I giggle I hear a knock on the door and I open and it's mr hot man Colby "you look cute" he says in a hot voice that makes me want to call him daddy "t-t-thanks u don't look to bad yourself" "thanks" he says we walk to school and on the way to school Colby was touching me in a flirty way I didn't mind it but then a thought in my head made me realize what he's trying to tell me dose he LIKE ME??! I mean I like him but I never thought that he would like me theres no way  he likes me I'm not his type I was overthinking it at this point so I stopped and we go inside school and I see the girls "by colbs im gonna go with the girls" I say "ok babygirl" Colby kisses my cheek and goes to Sam and I just stand ghee in shock bc me and Colby never kisses each other cheeks or lips or never and I call him colbs bc he's ok with it and he just calls me y/n which is ok but he never calls Me babygirl until yesterday which I like it more then just y/n Im still in shock and I go to the girls "omg no way!" Kat says "oh please tell me I didn't see that" "yes we did" all the girls say "damn it" the girls giggle and so do I "so dose dose he like u" xepher said "I think bc yesterday he called me babygirl  and on the way to school he was touching me in flirty ways and HE KISSES ME!"  I blush at the thought of those things "he def likes u"
Devyn says "yeah if he didn't then he wouldn't have been doing those things!" Amber says "true" Tara says the bell rings still no classes with Colby😔  the last bell rings and I start to walk home when someone picks me up and carry's me I hit thee back and then they said "ow babygirl stop it"
I realized it we Colby "sorry colbs I didn't know it was u" I giggle "it's ok" on the walk I keep asking colby to put me down but he keeps saying no "colbs I can walk ya know" I say "I know but what if u fall" Colby says I sigh "colbs u know me pretty well" I say "yep and ur very clumsy" he says and I giggle "true!" I say we gest to his moms house and before I could say by to him he says this "my mom and ur mom talked and said I could spend the night" in my mind I was like no way he's joking "are u joking colbs" I say "nope I'm telling the truth" Colbys says " ok " we go inside and Colby makes me some dinner "here ya go" he hands me Spaghetti and that's my fav food "thanks colbs" " ur wellcome" I eat the food and me and Colby wach our fav show and during the show Colby kept getting closer and closer to where he was cuddling me and I'm ok with it Bc he's my fucking crush so we just keep waching our show and it's 9pm at night and I'm tied "colbs" I say he doesn't answer so I roll/turn over to see him sleeping and he's such a cute sleeper so I just scoot closer and nuzzle my face into his neak and fall asleep

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