Silver Lining

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Before we get started, no I do not own The Wolf among us, that is Telltale games and Bill Willingham's Fables of course, hell, I wish I owned something that awesome, but alas, I do not, so sit back and relax, grab a drink or a snack if you wish, and get reading, full blessings from Loki Laufeyson's Fangirl. Without Further Adieu, let's get started.

Gren was on his sixth pint of bourbon when the three of them heard the noise.
Holly stopped wiping down the bar, the Woodsman smacked his empty glass down on the table, and Gren himself chugged the remaining contents of his glass and then swivelled around on the barstool.
"The fuck was that?" Slurred the glamoured drifter. Woody shrugged and wiped a meaty hand across his face cleaning the beer he'd spilled on his chin.
Holly listened closely and she heard it a second time, it was a quiet groan of pain coming from outside.
"Eh, it was probably nothing, Gren," murmured the woodsman, holding up his hand, signalling to the bartender that he wanted some more booze.
That's when a cold, bone chilling voice rang out slowly from outside, very clearly saying the words,
"Do you know how long I've wanted to do this, you fucking mongrel?"
This was followed by another whimper.
"Mongrel? That's it, I'm checking this shit out," Gren muttered getting to his feet.
"I'm comin' too, so Woody, you oughtta get ya own ale, unless ya comin' with us," Holly told the two of them.
With nothing better to do, the bearded axe weilder followed them out the door, the three of them practically sprinting up the stairs as the commotion nearby continued.
The bar patrons stood, completely bewildered, there in a dingy, soaking alleyway was Sheriff Bigby Wolf, and he wasn't alone, he was on the floor, blood pooling beneath him, and a cloaked figure crouching beside him, clutching onto a glinting, sharp dagger, which had a crimson substance oozing from its tip, as well as a satanic symbol engraved into it, and there was definitely no doubt about whose blood it was.
Bigby weakly raised his head, making eye contact with his potential saviours,
In a low broken voice, he managed to let a strangled "Please... fuckin' help me,"
Slip from between his lips.
The unidentified man next to him looked up in turn,
"Oh shit!" He muttered to himself, pulling his hood further over his eyes and then disappearing into the darkness of the maze of buildings behind them all.
Surprisingly, it was Gren who approached the injured wolf first, he squatted down and peered at the Sheriff's thoroughly blood-stained shirt,
"Holy fuck! What they get ya with?" He asked the fallen fable, the smallest hint of concern in his voice.
With his face contorted in pain and his entire body trembling from the agony that was rippling through his body, Bigby turned his head slightly, gritting his teeth.
"It was a... silver dagger," He groaned, holding a hand over his excruciating wound.
Holly and the Woodsman had now made their way over to the two former enemies, both recoiling in shock at the amount of blood Bigby was covered in.
"Jesus, it wasn't even this bad when I sliced you open back in the homelands..." Woody grunted drunkenly.
Still struggling to keep himself conscious, the big bad wolf shot him a fierce glare, "Nice time to fucking joke about that, pal," He grunted, putting emphasis on the friendly adjective.
Holly knelt down and began unbuttoning the now scarlet shirt and peered at the stab wounds littering the wolf's torso,
"Oh my god! He really had it in for ya, huh?" She gasped, genuinely worried, she may have originally gotten a bad impression from the sheriff, but he had proved to her that he cared about everyone in Fabletown when he had actually bothered to find her missing sister and bring her killer to justice, she could see now that he was making the best out of a bad situation, and she'd managed to convince Grendel of that too, seeing him so vulnerable was terrifying.
"He was some sort of fucking medieval hunter," Woody finally chimed in with something helpful.
"How do you know that, fat boy?" Gren sneered.
"There was an ancient symbol on his silver dagger, I read up on it once, he's a hunter who targets wolves specifically." Woody retorted, folding his arms over his green flannel shirt.
"Fucking Hallelujah," Bigby coughed sarcastically from the floor.
"Woody, go get on the phone to Dr. Swineheart, Gren help me pick up wolfie here, he's already pretty fucked up, I don't wanna aggravate his fucking injuries," Holly ordered, meaning business. They both followed instructions, Bigby's head was now lolling to one side as he continued to fight a losing battle at staying awake.
"Fuck... they really went at him, didn't they?" Gren mumbled to Holly as they lifted up the barely conscious sheriff.
"Yeah, he's gonna be sore in the morning," She replied, the two of them continuing to carry him inside, they ventured into the back of the tavern, laying the bloodied stab victim on Holly's empty bed carefully.
"That is if he even makes it..." Gren muttered grimly.
"That's not fucking fair..." Bigby suddenly grumbled, half-asleep.
"What the fuck?" Asked The Woodsman, poking his head around the door as he got off the phone with Fabletown's physician.
"I think the lapdog here's having a bad dream," Gren explained, an incredulous look on his face because of how bloody obvious it was.
"Either that or he's delirious," Holly chimed in, grabbing a bottle of whiskey and taking a swig to ease the lingering worry in the pit of her stomach.
"I'm not a monster! I was just fucking hungry, how is that my fault? ..." Whispered Bigby sleepily.
"Ha, ha, ha, very funny, I'm pissing myself with hysterical laughter. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. If I hear another fucking dog joke I'm going to maim your goddamn face, bluebeard!" He roared again.
"Holy crap, that silver shit really makes him loopy..." Woody mumbled under his breath.
Bigby's pained breathing started up again, so Holly did the only thing she could think of and perched on the cot beside him, then started gently running her fingers through his thick auburn curls, she was rather surprised by how soft his hair was, and after a while his breaths became slower and less strained.
At long last, Dr. Swineheart arrived, singing open the door meaning business with his briefcase in hand.
"It's about fucking time you showed up," Gren barked at him, gesturing to the blood trail leading in from the entrance all the way over to the bed, where the Sheriff was still lying.
"Oh dear, the amount of life saving surgeries I've had to perform on one person keeps increasing rapidly," the physician said lowly, before walking over to the patient, and gently ushering the three spectators out of his way.
"Hold up, Pig lungs or whatever, you've had to save Bigby's life more than once,?" Woody asked, a bushy eyebrow raised.
As he was pulling the tools out of his Briefcase, the doctor let out a heavy sigh, "It's Swineheart, and yes I have, this stubborn mutt gets shot, stabbed, burned, hit with blunt weapons more times than I can count, and then as soon as he wakes up from surgery, instead of resting, as instructed, he rushes back out into the city, and someone who simply doesn't want him interfering will just put him exactly back in that position," the physician explained with a stern expression on his face, as he used a medical wipe to clean the excessive amount of blood on Bigby's bare torso.
The three friends exchanged surprised glances.
"Holy shit, how often does this crap happen?" Asked Gren, aghast at the thought of being attacked more than once every day just for doing his job, he felt a pang of guilt remembering that he had tried to attack Bigby months earlier just because he was tracking a lead on the Woodsman.
"Getting fatally wounded or getting in fights?" Swineheart asked, multitasking by talking and applying rubbing alcohol to the numerous stab wounds that lay before him.
"Both?" Woody replied with an upwards inflection, everything he said was a question at this point because he was drunk off his ass.
"Both of them occur far too often, I'm surprised he hasn't dropped dead yet, I'm thankful as well, he's a hard worker, he just needs to think about his own welfare once in a while," Swineheart noted whilst sewing torn flesh back together with dissolvable stitches, it was astonishing how quickly he was performing the surgery, accompanied by constant questions as well.
"Hang on, Doc, what's that?" Holly asked, pointing at a scar that took the form of a patch of raw skin, that was a deep purple colour, it looked like it was in the shape of a throwing star,
"That's a scar that is the result of him being shot with a silver bullet a few months ago," the doctor responded, still working rapidly at the injuries.
Holly looked shocked, and Gren winced looking at it, Woody was passed out, drunk at this point.
"Why's it still look so fuckin painful?" Asked Grendel, still gritting his teeth at the sight of it.
"Because it hurt like a motherfucker," Bigby gasped, opening one amber eye.
"Oh, sheriff, you're awake, just as well, all that's left is to bandage you up," Dr. Swineheart told him, pulling out a thick roll of bandages from his first aid kit.
"How do ya feel?" Asked Holly awkwardly as the doctor continued to apply the bandages at the speed of light.
"Not as bad as before but not so great either, but thanks for asking," Mr. Wolf yawned.
"There, all done, now I need you to actually allow yourself to heal before you rush out again," Swineheart told his patient sternly.
"But I have tons of paperwork to get through, Snow insisted that I can't just go around breaking up fights, and that I have to do _real_ work," He said a little bitterly, most likely resentful that the princess had told him that everything he'd been doing for years on end wasn't real work.
"You needn't worry, I'll inform Ms. White that you're on strict bed rest, goodbye Sheriff, Holly, Grendel," He informed them before turning on his heel to leave,
"Wait, Doc, couldn't you... please, uh, help me get to my apartment?" Bigby asked sheepishly, embarrassed at being so weak.
"Stop givin' him the puppy eyes, ya can stay here for the night," Holly told him, none of them missed the way his warm eyes widened briefly in shock.
"Really? Uh, thanks," He replied to her and then closed his eyes again.
The doctor departed and Gren dragged the Woodsman out of Holly's room and into the main bar so the wolf could sleep peacefully.
Holly and Gren assumed their usual positions at the bar, but neither of them could concentrate.
"I never thought that the big bad wolf would end up hooked up on pain meds in your room," Gren said to break the ice.
"Same here," Holly muttered, she couldn't get that horrible scar out of her head.
There was suddenly a sound of hooves trotting across the floor, they turned to look towards the source of the noise and their eyes fell upon Colin, one of the three little pigs and Bigby's roommate.
"Hey, you guys haven't seen Bigby by any chance have ya? He went outside for a smoke hours ago and didn't come back in," The pig asked them, worried about his friend.
"Some asshole stabbed him with silver, we got 'im fixed up though, he's in the back," Holly told the farm animal calmly. He nodded in appreciation and then trotted into the back room to check up on his roommate.
They listened closely and heard the conversation from where they were sitting.
A half-asleep mumble followed by
"Yeah? Who is it?"
"It's me Colin, ya dumbass,"
"No need to be mean 'bout it,"
"Are you on drugs, I have literally never heard you say that before in my life"
"The nice man gave me some pills, they make it aaaaaaaall better,"
Holly and Gren were finding it difficult to stifle their laughter as the interaction continued.
"Oh my god, are pain meds like crack to wolves?"
"Why you talkin' about crack, Colin? I should arrest you on suspicion of possession of narc- narcoti- DRUGS,"
"Bigby, when you can't even say the word narcotics, I think you're the one who's on drugs,"
"Am I? Oh no that's bad... I shouldn't do that... that's not allowed,"
Colin chuckled to himself, messing with the big bad delirious wolf was hilarious.
"No its not allowed, I'll have to call your mother,"
"You can't call her, she's dead, plus she doesn't have  opposable thumbs or anythin', she don't have a phone, wolves don't have... phones,"
There was a slight silence, nobody knew that Bigby's mother was dead.
"Oh, pal, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned her,"
"Mentioned who? Anyway, Colin... when it rains, do I smell like wet dog?"
Gren spat his drink out hearing that question, and began to cackle hysterically, Holly was laughing uproariously.
"Oh no... they're laughing, that means I do! I owe Jack Horner fifteen dollars now!"
"You seriously bet money on that?"
"Yeah, I was certain that wet dog smells different to wet wolf!"
"A wolf is a type of dog, you muppet!"
"Wha- I'm not a muppet..."
"Are you crying?"
"Fuck no, I'm not some pathetic little..."
There was silence and then a large yawn and the thump of the Sheriff's head hitting the pillow.
"Good night, pal..." Colin murmured affectionately, whilst they often bickered and made distasteful comments at one another, the two were truly friends, Colin was loyal to the end, and Bigby was protective of the pig, so much so that he defied the new deputy mayor, and his long time crush, Snow White when she had ordered him to send the unglamoured fable to the farm. It was a truly unlikely friendship, especially since back in the homelands the big bad wolf had blown down Colin's house and attempted to eat him as well as his brothers, and now the two of them were basically inseparable.
Holly pushed the foot open gently and saw the pig lying down on the floor next to the bed, whilst the unconscious Sheriff's hand rested on his pink head.
"Aw, that's fucking adorable," She cooed. Colin opened one eye and glared at her,
"Don't ever call me that, and when this lug wakes up DEFINITELY don't call him cute, he finds it offensive," the pig chastised her and then closed his eyes once again.
"What's fuckin' adorable?" Asked Gren, stumbling towards the room, and then placing a sarcastic hand over his chest.
"Wow. A half-dead wolf patting a farm yard animal, Hol, my heart melts, seriously you've gone soft," Grendel teased her.
The bartender just rolled her eyes and went back to pouring drinks.
Bigby woke up the next morning with his head throbbing violently, his throat was drier than the Sahara and his abdomen killed. He sat up with a groan, peering around the room, an eyebrow arched, this wasn't his apartment, and what the fuck happened last night? He coughed violently, blood splatters landing on his hand as he covered his mouth.
As he continued to cough, a hand landed on his back and started rubbing it soothingly.
He turned his head and was shocked to see that it was Holly, she looked concerned and it surprised him. He was sure that other than Colin, everyone hated him.
"You alright, Sheriff?" She asked. Bigby, still in a daze, blinked at her with confusion.
"Oh, uh, yeah... I'm fine, thanks..." He responded, his voice was hoarse and strained, clearly he wasn't fine, but Holly wasn't about to pry.
"If you're wondering what you're doin' here, I'll be happy to explain it to ya," the troll told him.
He smiled weakly, "That would be helpful, thank you Holly," He replied gratefully.
Colin opened his eyes and shuffled towards his best friend and rubbed his head against Bigby's rough callused hand.
"Oh, hiya Collin," the wolf chuckled roughly,
"Hey Bigby," The pig replied.
"Okay let me brief ya on why the hell you're fucking wrecked and in my bed," Holly announced, and the friends looked at her expectantly.
"So I was serving Gren and Woody their liquor last night and we all heard you yelp from outside, we didn't even know what the friggin sound was, so we all ignored it for a while, then we heard this asshole call you a mongrel, and threaten to kill ya, then ya made some weird ass noise again so we came outside to see what the fuck was goin' on. When we came out, you were on the fuckin' floor, blood all over the alleyway, and this fucking dickhead sat next to ya holding a knife covered in ya blood, you asked us for help, the prick looked up at us, saw there were three people, standin' there, so he hits the bricks and disappears, and before ya ask, no we didn't get a good look at him, but Woody reckons he's some sorta wolf hunter or some shit like that. Anyway, I checked ya out and he'd stabbed the shit out of you, and Gren asked you what he'd gotten you with, you told us it was a silver blade-"
"Silver? The fucker! That's cheating!" He growled.
"Agreed, fucking wuss couldn't take ya on man to man, or wolf... anyway, cos you were in such a shitty state, we had  Woody call up Swineheart, he performed his surgery, he told you to rest once he was done, you complained that you didn't want to rest because Snow gave you paperwork and you needed to finish it, instead of splitting up fights and beating up criminals, then he said he'd tell her that you were too fucked over to work, you asked him if he could help you get back to your apartment and I told you to get over yourself and that you could stay here,"
"Then you were loopy as fuck!" The Woodsman called out from the other side of the door.
"Uh... what does he mean by loopy?" Bigby asked nervously, feeling dread grow in his stomach.
"What he means is that when ya pig showed up, you asked him if you smelled like wet dog!" Yelled Gren with a taunting grin, poking his head around the door and ignoring his massive hangover.
Bigby's cheeks were beginning to heat up, flushing bright red as he looked away,
"I really said that?" He asked, looking at Colin, who nodded with a smirk,
"Yeah, you forgot how to say narcotics too, some detective," his roommate scoffed with a chuckle.
Bigby hid his face in his hands, trying to escape the embarrassment he was suffering.
"Alright, give him a break, he's fucked over, look at him," Holly told them, to spare him from getting an even redder face.
"Thanks, I guess?" The big bad wolf murmured.
"Hey, lap dog?" Gren addressed him. Hearing yet another dog themed nickname, the sheriff growled under his breath, ironically displaying canine behaviour as he did so.
"Yes.?" He asked with a surly expression on his face.
"Is your human form like... can you go further than the yellow eyes and the teeth?" Gren asked curiously.
"Yeah... why exactly do you want to know?" Bigby replied cautiously, an eyebrow raised.
"Just wondering if you can go... all the way, like back in the homelands, because I never gotta see ya like that,"
"Well, I can be like I used to be... but there's nowhere near enough room to transform without a mundy seeing me," Bigby explained with a shrug.
"Then we'll go out on a little road trip!" Grendel exclaimed, his one working eye gleaming with excitement.
"No, I... I shouldn't do that, it's unprofessional," the auburn haired man protested.
"C'mon Bigby, loosen up a bit," The Woodsman insisted.
The sheriff still looked unsure.
"Yeah, I wanna see this happen, people that have seen ya full on wolf say its fucking awesome," Holly chimed in, grinning broadly.
Bigby looked away nervously, he did sort of want to let loose...
"Bigs, this seriously can't be about what Snow told you?" Colin asked, looking at his friend.
"What? What did she tell 'im?" Asked The Woodsman
"She told me to bury the wolf side of me, because I'm too 'out of control' and we need to start doing things the right way..." Bigby confessed, looking down at his feet.
"Ya know, Fuck what Snow says, if you wanna howl at the moon I say go for it," Colin said encouragingly.
With everyone egging him on, Mr. Wolf shrugged and struggled to his feet.
"Okay, fuck it, I'll go on a road trip and ... howl at the moon, as you say," He grumbled, limping over to the door, everyone following him outside to where a taxi was waiting, they all clambered inside.
They finally arrived in a remote part of the woods.
"You know I sometimes doubt that you actually CAN turn into a wolf," Gren said with a smirk.
"Gren, the guy has literally dug his claws in ya neck before," Holly reminded him.
"Plus, I've seen him the way he used to be," Woody chipped in.
"You better not have brought your axe," warned Bigby, an amused glint in his honey eyes.
"Alright, give the man some room" Colin warned them as Bigby got into a tensed position, preparing to transform. They all backed off and the Sheriff's eyes turned a glowing yellow, his arms growing hairier as well as his face, his hair becoming more wavy, and claws sprouting from his fingertips, they had all seen this form before, this was exactly how he had looked when he and Gren had fought months earlier at the Trip Trap. Next, he growled slightly, his brown hair turning grey and growing thicker until it completely covered his skin, his torso had grown more muscular, so much sothat he had burst out of his dress shirt, and his shoes, the bottom of his pants were ripped from the sudden growth of his huge calves, and his eyes were murderous red. With a final snarl, his hands and feet transitioned into enlarged paws, his skull had changed shape, he had a snout and triangular ears either side of his large head, his eyes were bright yellow and he no longer had pupils, he had grown a thick, long tail, and he was colossal, they had to crane their necks upwards just to see his face.
"Holy shit!" Gren exclaimed, impressed. The huge wolf lay down beside the troll, drifter, Woodsman, and pig so he was closer to eye level.
"There, ya happy now?" The creature asked, his voice rumbling deeply, echoing through the forest.
"How the hell did you get that big?!" Asked Holly, completely astonished.
"Eh, I ate a lot," Bigby explained, resting his head over his crossed paws comfortably.
"I can vouch for that," chipped in Colin from next to the wolf's large head.
"Hey, dog?" Woody asked.
Yellow eyes narrowed and settled on him, "What?" The animal snarled.
"Do you reckon you could... let us have a...ride?" The Woodsman requested awkwardly.
Bigby looked horrified.
"What the fuck? I'm not a horse, I ain't strapping on a saddle and jumping over hurdles or some shit," He growled indignantly.
"C'mon, we won't make ya do none of that, it'll be fun, Bigs!" Colin protested, doing his best sad face.
"I'll give ya seven rounds of whiskey on the house when we get back," Holly bargained.
With a reluctant sigh, the wolf grumbled through gritted teeth,
"Fine. It's a fuckin deal,".
With that, the great wolf plucked Holly up from the back of her dress with his teeth and flung the glamoured woman onto his back, she latched on tightly, gripping the fur on his back to stable herself.
"Woody, pick up Colin, I don't wanna end up biting him," He informed the Woodsman, who followed the instruction and heaved the pig up into his arms. Bigby then repeated his earlier action, neatly scooping up the human by the collar of his shirt, then tilting his head so they could take a seat on his back.
He looked down expectantly at Gren, who looked away, "You can't expect me to go anywhere near your mouth!" He protested.
Bigby looked offended, well as offended as an eight foot tall wolf could look.
"Do you seriously think I'm gonna fuckin' eat you?" He asked, his snout downturned in a frown.
"No... well- yeah maybe," Grendel responded.
The wolf snarled furiously,
"I didn't eat Holly, or Woody, I fucking LIVE with Colin, what makes ya think you're such a snack?!" He hissed, his voice echoing across the trees.
"Fine, chill out, you can pick me up!" Gren barked, folding his arms.
"Ya know what? No, fuck you."
He turned away, his paws slamming against the grass as he stomped in the other direction,
"Wait! I'm fucking sorry, is that what you wanted 'ta hear?" Gren pleaded, refusing to admit that he thought it would he ridiculously fun to have a ride on a huge wolf.
Bigby pursed his lips for a moment, thinking.
"I forgive ya, c'mere," He muttered, his teeth connecting through the fabric of Gren's leather jacket as he lifted him off the ground and delicately placed him atop his back with the rest of his passengers.
"Ya ready?" He asked, the four of them secured their grip on his thick fur and assured him they were.
"I'm probably a little rusty, Silver fucks with my stamina and pretty much everything else..." He muttered before beginning to sprint.
"Whoa, steady on, Sheriff!" Holly yelped, clutching onto him tighter as the wolf leapt over an entire tree, quickening his pace with every step.
Colin, having no opposable thumbs, was sandwiched between Holly, Gren and Woody to prevent him from falling off his roommate's back. They spent a couple more minutes like that, enjoying the breeze against their skin as the colossal wolf sprinted through clearings, enjoying himself immensely, when all of a sudden, a prim, strict voice called out,
"Sheriff Wolf! What on earth do you think you're doing?!"
The voice belonged to the newly appointed deputy mayor Snow White. She was standing in her blazer, snowflake adorned blouse, navy blue knee length skirt, and blue heels. Her raven hair was pinned back in a low bun and she looked as stern as ever, her sapphire blue eyes fixed on Bigby furiously.
He looked subdued, his ears flattening against his head. He didn't deign to respond, and simply started placing his passengers back on the floor using his teeth.
"It was our fault, princess, we badgered 'im into it," confessed Gren, folding his arms.
The Woodsman nodded in agreement, as did Holly, who stepped in front of Snow White challengingly, as if daring her to even attempt blaming the wolf. Colin was stood next to his roommate's large paw.
"It doesn't matter whose idea it was, Mr. Wolf, I expressly asked that you no longer transform into... THIS!" She exclaimed, gesturing to his large form.
He looked away, smelling the disappointment and fear radiating off of his long term crush and new boss.
"Snow, I-"
"Ms. White, or Deputy Mayor, be professional, Sheriff," She corrected coldly.
Bigby looked crestfallen, and remaining in his true form, he stalked off, back into the forest with a snarl.
"Bigby, wait!" Colin called out, but his best friend was long gone.
They all turned to glare at Snow,
"The fuck was that about?" Holly asked, with her hands on her hips.
"I believe that if the sheriff is well enough to run amok through the forest with you four, then he is definitely well enough to be working, I have to be strict, its an important asset," She told them, pinning a stray lock of her hair behind her ear, her hexagonal earrings twinkling in the sunlight.
Colin looked at her with an annoyed stare, "You bein' serious? You're a little fuckin' oblivious, princess," He snapped.
"How so?" She challenged, her eyes narrowing at the accusation.
"You can't be serious!" Exclaimed Holly, incredulously, her blue eyes wide.
"Yeah, it's fuckin' obvious, dear princess," Gren muttered sarcastically.
"What is obvious?" Snow asked, her eyebrows arched sternly.
The Woodsman finally piped up, stupidly hung over but capable of speaking without puking.
"The dog is in love with you. Everyone knows that," He explained, massaging his temples.
Snow looked alarmed, her cheeks heating up slightly,
"Really?," She breathed out, flustered.
"Yeah. Really," snapped Holly, hands on hips and a scowl plastered on her face.
"Well our relationship is strictly professional, he's simply going to have to learn to live with that," She replied unfeelingly. Unbeknownst to her, Bigby had heard these words from deep within the forest, thanks to his remarkably sensitive ears.
He exhaled sharply and felt his vision grow slightly blurry as tears pricked at his yellow eyes. He sank to the floor, tucking his head into his paws miserably, and whining quietly with despair, he had tried so hard to please her, to make friends with her and as soon as she was done with him, she tossed him aside like a used tissue, always keeping him at arms length as if he disgusted her. Heh, he probably did. All she ever needed him for was solving the murders of Faith and Lily, condemning the Crooked Man for ordering their deaths, and securing her new position as Deputy Mayor. It dawned on him that he had been used, that she no longer needed him, and that she would never feel the same away about him as he did about her. What had he been thinking? She was a princess, and he was a monster, an unlovable, bloodthirsty monster. Just thinking about her was beginning to make his chest ache. He had spent so long adoring her, dreaming of having a relationship with her, that hearing her say such cold words was devastating to him. He finally felt a tear trickle down his furry face and whimpered. This must have been how his mother felt when she had been left... She had slowly withered away and died of heartbreak, leaving him all alone as a small cub, he felt another pang in his chest, remembering his mother's death all too clearly.
"There you are... Ain't no Titans to stop me now, is there, ya stupid fucking mutt?!" A hostile and terrifyingly familiar voice snarled in Bigby's ear. The wolf didn't even need to turn around to know who it was, there was a silver blade pressing against the back of his neck.
"C'mon wolfie, let's go on a little walk," the hunter purred sadistically, pulling on Bigby's fur and ushering him along the path gleefully.
With no other options, the creature reluctantly and wordlessly followed him.
"Hmm, not so talkative today are we? You used some pretty colourful language last night,"
"Because you were stabbing me, motherfucker," the Wolf snapped, baring his teeth aggressively.
The hunter waved the silver dagger around, in a threatening manner, "I'd watch what you fucking say, or things might get way more fucking difficult for you, you dumb dog,"
Seeing the silver sent a shiver down his spine and he obeyed, not daring to open his mouth again.
"Bigby?! Where are you?!" Called Colin, beginning to grow concerned after the sun had set and his friend hadn't returned.
"I'm sure he just needs time to cool off, he'll be back," stated Snow, although she sounded uncertain.
"This is your fuckin' fault ya know, your highness?" Gren sneered at her, his fists clenched.
The deputy mayor stepped back, intimated, but furious at being spoken to in such a disrespectful way,
"Excuse me?!" She exclaimed, completely aghast.
"You heard 'im," Colin told her angrily, Bigby was his closest friend and he took it personally whenever anybody treated him badly.
"Holly? Can't I get some help here? I thought at least we had some common ground," The princess pleaded, expecting the troll to take her side.
"We ain't got nothin' in common, you grew up in a Palace, I had to hunt to survive, you live like royalty in ya fancy ass penthouse, and I live in my fuckin tavern getting drunk, if you think that because we're both women, I'm instantly gonna take your side, then pull the stick out your ass, if anyone's got anything in common with the likes of us-" She gestured to herself, Gren, Woody and Colin, "Then it's Bigby, he grew up in the woods, he ate because he was hungry, he wasn't being a dick, he was just fucking hungry, and he lives in a shithole when he arguably works the hardest out of anyone in this damn town, so cut the shit. I'm on his side, you were out of line and if anything happens to him, it's YOUR fault," Holly concluded, leaving Snow bewildered and at a loss for words.
"Are we sure he's coming back?" The Woodsman asked, looking around as the sky continued to darken.
"Who fuckin knows?" Colin said as thunder clapped in the sky and an assault of rain and hail began to beat upon their heads... Where the fuck was Bigby?

That concludes chapter 1, if anyone ends up actually reading this, let me know if you want more, thank you very much

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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