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Chapter 1


he held his head in his hands solemnly, listening to the sound of the engine sputtering to a start and the sounds of the car tires backing out of the driveway.

she had left him again. this was the third time this month. he kept wondering why she left but could never come up with an answer.

tommy walked from the front door to the bottom of the stairs, taking a deep sigh before walking up them. one by one, he knew who would be waiting in his room.

upon entry he saw his best friend sitting on his bed, waiting patiently for him to arrive.

"are you alright?" the brunette asked

tommy shook his head no, sitting down at his desk and turning his chair towards his friend.

"she left.. again. i took her out for dinner and then she got mad at me because i mentioned that i was going to be streaming with niki sometime soon. i don't know how many times i have told her that niki and i are just friends but she never listens!"

tubbo sat on tommy's bed in silence, waiting for the blonde to continue.

"she told me that, and i quote, 'minecraft is for children.' but it isnt!"

tommy's voice faltered a little as he spoke

"okay, maybe it is, but it's still a fun game to stream! and she wanted me to quit streaming and work at tesco's with her!"

tubbo hummed in thought, wondering what else she could have done

"she also said that i talk about you too much. i didnt know that it was wrong to be proud of your best friend y'know?"

tubbo nodded towards him, almost signalling for him to continue

"i just- i never know what could happen with vanessa, she's a bit unpredictable.."

tubbo couldnt stop himself from opening his mouth, despite him trying his hardest not to

"maybe she just isnt right for you?"

as tommy was telling tubbo about what had happened, he started drumming his fingers against the armrest of his chair. when tubbo said that, he stopped


the way that he said that had sounded almost like a threat, like he was pushing tubbo to continue

"well- im just saying- maybe you guys weren't meant to work out? she left you three times in one month and-"

"enough, toby."

tubbo knew he had struck a nerve. tommy almost never used his real name unless he felt irritated towards him

"im sorry tom, really, i just think that-"

"get out."

the words flew out of tommy's mouth like daggers. tubbo saw the hurt in his eyes as he got up from where he was sitting on his bed. he nodded and walked to the door, pausing before leaving.

"call me if you need anything"

tommy nodded and tubbo left his room, shutting the door behind him.

as tubbo walked down the stairs, he could hear small sobs coming from his friends bedroom. he decided against going back in there, just in case he made everything worse.

even though tommy had just come home from dinner, tubbo had decided to make something for the both of them to eat.

he grabbed the ingredients he needed for a shepherds pie and gathered all of them in the kitchen, and then, he was off. he started working on the food and making sure that it was just perfect.

as soon as it was done, he cut himself a slice of it and another for tommy, letting both plates and the container cool on the counter for a few minutes.

once it had cooled enough for him to eat it, he grabbed a fork from the drawer beside him and carried his plate to the table, sitting down and shoveling a bit of his dish into his mouth.

he felt himself smile at how it tasted. he knew he had gotten better at cooking but he didn't know that he was able to perfect his shepherds pie that quickly.

he wanted to share the news with tommy but he decided against it. he wanted to let tommy have some time alone.

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