What an ass

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Knock knock knock

Dani and I stepped back as we waited for someone to answer the door.

We went to a random house down the road and Dani went to ask people where Daniel lived. We used Dani since, of course, everyone would think I was Daniel so until everything was okay we didn't want people to know Daniel had siblings yet.

Once we got an address we headed straight here. I checked the time; 7:45.

"Crap I hope we didn't miss him." I mutter as I put my arm back down.

"I don't think so? Even if we did the schools right down the road, couple blocks. We can just pop in, blend in with everyone. I hacked into the schools website and found his schedule online so I know where we can find him if we have to go there." Dani smiled

I smiled back slightly. She was always the brainiac of the family. She would help me with my homework and cheat on tests and I would help her with sports and making sure other guys or girls wouldn't pick on her.

Obviously I wouldn't hit a girl, but there's no rule to "accidentally" pushing her in front of the janitors trash wagon. I smirked at the thought.

"Still thinking about when you shoved Lisa in front of the janitor last week?" Dani spoke up.

I laughed. "Don't you just love knowing your siblings thoughts, sis?" I teased.

She laughed with me and smiled. We stood there in silence for a few minutes, constantly knocking and ringing the doorbell; no one answered.

"That's weird. There's two cars parked out front and I'm more than sure Daniel doesn't have one." Dani spoke.

"You're right, something's wrong." I frowned as I checked to see if the door was unlocked. It was.

I quietly opened the door and pushed the door in. We looked inside only to silently gag; who the fuck lives in this dump?? Like we don't have it all made back home but at least we can keep our piece of shit of a house clean!

We slowly walk in, making sure to breathe through our mouths. We looked around to see if there was any clues as to if Daniel even lived there.

Dani went to check the dining room while I stayed in the living room. I looked around and all I could see were shattered picture frames, trash, and flies swarming old food or the trash. It was disgusting but I had to get it together; our main focus was finding Daniel and our mom.

As I was about to go check on Dani I noticed something on the ground. I went to pick it up and noticed it was a crumbled up photo. I unraveled it only to be shocked.

It was a photo of our mom and Daniel. I checked the back and it was dated on our last birthday. So this was a recent photo.. he really does look exactly like me.. I smiled softly at the thought.

A scream came from the kitchen and I ran over. "Dani!" I yelled as I ran in, seeing Dani being cornered by some fat hairy guy.

"Who the hell are you and how did you get in my house?!" He yelled at Dani, not even looking at me.

"W-well it was quite easy, you left the door unlocked and there was no guard dog or anything." Dammit Dani now's not the time to be a smartass!

"Are you making fun of me?!" He goes to grab her when she throws a plate at his head. Distracted by the pain, Dani runs around him and hides behind me.

The fatass turns and that's when I recognized him as the man that was in the photo we saw back on Dani's laptop. That must be his step dad..

"Oh so now you decided to come crawling back?! You thought I'd get to drunk to remember what happened yesterday, you faggot!"

The jock and the nerd (Paused for revising)Where stories live. Discover now