chapter 1

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After sky's defeat with boyfriend the world expired turning it back to the real world when bf and gf left sky, she was sat on a bench with her head down with tears, When you were just walking and listening to music when you heard and saw a girl crying on a bench, when you go over to see what's making her cry

Y/N : excuse me um, if you don't mind if I sit here

??? :...( nods )...

As you sat on the bench next to her

Y/N : so um miss, I couldn't help but notice you were crying, um did someone hurt you or

??? :...( Sigh)... it's kinda complicated ok

Y/N : it's ok, you can tell me

??? :... ok but, promise me you won't tell anyone ok

Y/N :...ok...

??? : well, when I wanted to confess my feelings to someone

Y/N :...yeah...

??? : well ( sniff ) and when I did ( sniff ) he rejected me

Y/N : what

??? : Yeah ( sniff ) he did

Y/N : w- why

??? : because ( sniff ) h-he already has a girlfriend

Y/N :...oh...I see...

You pat her on her shoulder

??? : ( Sniff ) all I wanted was to be loved, is that too hard to ask ( sniff )

You let her lean her head on your lap and pat her head

Y/N : shhhhh, there there

She was still crying while you pat her head

??? : thanks, but what happened to you

Y/N see... I was never loved by anyone

??? : you too

Y/N : yea, my friends left me for better people

??? : Oh

Y/N : and my girlfriend left me and said I was weak and pathetic

??? :...oh... I feel bad for you

Y/N : and all I have now Is my cat before he passed away

??? : Wow

Y/N : I know, yeah, at least I'm not the only one alone

She sniff and lean on your shoulder

??? : thank you

Y/N : your welcome mis-

She put her finger on your lips

??? : please, no more miss, just call me sky

Y/N : ok sky

Sky : thanks, Mr

Y/N : Y/N, Y/N N/L

Sky : ok, Y/N

Y/N : thanks, at least I'm not lonely anymore

Sky : same, no one ever loved me too

As you both were still talking it started raining

Sky : ( sigh ) it was nice meeting you, I'll be going

You look at her with her sad emotion and leaned her your umbrella

Sky : huh

Y/N : wanna stay with me

Sky looked at you and you help her up

Sky : yes, I'll stay with you, dose it get lonely

Y/N : sometimes

Sky looked at you with a serious face

Y/N : ok ok, all the time

Sky : ( leans on your arm ) thanks for being honest

As you and sky got in your car and drove to your place

Y/N : ok now, where did I put my keys

Sky : you dropped them

Y/N : thanks

Sky : ( giggles ) your welcome

As you both got inside

Y/N : I'll let you borrow my spare clothes until yours got done washing and drying

Sky : thanks

As you lent her tour spare clothes as she sat on the couch

Sky : hey Y/N

Y/N : yea

Sky : thanks for letting me stay with you, no one was ever this nice before

Y/N : ( chuckle and scratching the back of her head ) thanks

As you sat on the couch and she lean on your shoulder

Sky : why would anyone ever rejected a nice guy like you

Y/N : I guess some people never know until after all the nice things others do for them, ( yawning ) anyway it's getting late, I'll sleep on the couc-

She put her finger on your lips

Sky : can we sleep together

Y/N : S-sky

Sky : please ( she gave you the puppy eye's )

Y/N : ( how can I say no to those eyes ) ( sigh ) alright, we can sleep together

Sky : yay ( she hugs you ) thanks

Y/N ( blushing ) : n-no problem

As you two went upstairs to your room and got in your bed

Sky : Y/N

Y/N : yea

Sky : I know I first met you but, thanks for doing all this for me, I've never be appreciate it by anyone before

Y/N : thanks, besides I couldn't let you sit on that bench in the rain all alone

Sky : ( giggles )

She boop your nose which caused you to blush while you two cuddled and getting some rest for the night

The Only Fangirl I Love ( Sky x Male Reader )Where stories live. Discover now