Chapter #3

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-Greasy Food-

"A diner?"

"Well yea, you are hungry aren't ya?"

"Well ya look at me, how could I not be."

I squeeze his hand and we continue to walk towards the dinky diner in the distance.

Once we reached the diner I could feel the kid's excitement. The diner was small but it had been around for a long time. It was called Might Diner so it was colored with All Might's colors (Golden Age) a blue roof, white sides, and red outlining the building with a cartoon All Might holding a burger above the door.

 It was called Might Diner so it was colored with All Might's colors (Golden Age) a blue roof, white sides, and red outlining the building with a cartoon All Might holding a burger above the door

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We walked in and the waiter seated us in the corner by the windows. On the inside, the restaurant was covered head to toe with everything All Might. It was kind of annoying. I looked at the kid. He was looking at every single thing taking everything in. I should probably ask him questions instead of him being anonymous. But I was looking at him.

The kid had poofy hair with black roots and the rest was purple. His skin was pale and his eye oh god his eyes were so pretty anyone would be mesmerized by them. Another thing about him was his wolf ears and tail. They looked like a swirling galaxy of blues, purples, and pinks. And it seemed as though the ears and tail were not really connected to him, they seem to hover. I'm guessing they are his quirk or at least part of it.

And it made me want to get to know him more.

"What's your name kid?" I asked.

No answer.

"Well, My name is Aisawa."

Still no answer.

"Ok, What about your parents? Where are they?"

"Gone." He said still looking around but with pain in his eyes.

"Gone?" I say confused gone could mean many things.

"They left me behind."

"Oh." I was shocked he was too young to be out on his own. I thought he was just stealing for fun like other brats did, till I saw him and this confirmation.

Suddenly the waiter popped out of nowhere to get our orders. The waiter was a tall guy with brown hair. He seemed nice but he also seemed a little bored and tipsy. Hey, Aizawa couldn't judge if he worked here, there's probably no way he could do it sober or willingly. From his smell, he was a beta.

"Hello, what can I get for you tonight?" The waiter asked.

"Hey kid, what do you want?'' The kid slid the menu over the Aizawa and pointed at a picture of a burger.

"I guess we'll both have the Might Burger Combo."

"Ok, I'll be right out with your orders." As he slurred the s. And wobbled away.

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