~ Prologue ~

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It was a seemingly normal day in Nevada, Dr. Hofnarr and Dr. Christoff were making their way to work on the Improbability Drive, talking about what ever came to mind

Their conversation was interrupted by a few of their coworkers running past them, yelling something about the Improbability Drive

They looked at each other briefly before Hofnarr bolted to the Drive, Christoff calling for him before running along


Hofnarr slammed the doors open as more of his coworkers ran out almost knocking him over, screaming about how it was going to explode, the doctor looked at the shaking machine

It rumbled and whistled as fumes came from every outlet, the doctor froze in panic at the sight, a million things flowing through his head as his friend came in, yelling about how they needed to leave immediately

Until it happened

Two black shadowy masses were spit out of the machine onto the floor, the scientists froze and stared at masses intently

Until the shadows began to rise, the masses rose from the floor, taking some sort of humanoid appearance

The one on the right stood straight with it's hands behind it's back, flame like shadows above it's head flickered and swooped quickly, it opened it's red glowing eyes, glaring down at the two scientists

The other on the left finally stood up, being a bit shorter than the first being, it had the same flame like shadows above it's head, but they were calmer and slower, it was featureless

It seemed to finally notice the scientists and other shadow in the room, moving it's head back and forth to look at the being, then at the scientists

The silence was agonizing, after all it's wasn't everyday the machine you worked with just spitted out some shadow like beings that could possibly kill you in a snap of fingers

Until Dr. Hofnarr spoke up "uh- w-well.... Shit-"


"So... D-do you guys have any names??" Hofnarr said, glancing over at the two shadows watching over him and his friend who were fixing whatever melted inside the drive, curious of what they were doing, Christoff shot Hof a glare of 'why tf you talking??'


".... Y/n..." the featureless shadow mumbled "I have.. a faint memory of someone calling me that, so I choose to go by as such."

Hofnarr was surprised he actually got an answer "that's... That's a great name! Yeah!" He smiled a little, but it was mostly of nervousness

The other shadow hummed, putting a hand to it's chin "... Call me Auditor.. do not ask why." it stated, Hofnarr nodded and continued fixing the Drive

Soon, the Drive was back to it's earlier state, deactivated, Christoff pulled Hofnarr aside for a private talk, leaving the shadows to themselves

"Cool, what the fuck do we do now?" Christoff muttered, monotone as always "I don't know... What even are they??" The taller Scientist sighed

"We should just ask, I mean, they did give us their names... And they seem confused about their whereabouts too, at least- [Y/n] seemed confused..." Hofnarr scratched his head, Christoff sighed harshly "it seems like the only option we have... Fine, let's go."

Christoff dragged his friend back into the room, the shadows were just sitting on the floor, talking as if they knew each other for ages

"H-hey, you two?" The smaller scientist took the shadows attention, who turned to him and stood up "we.. have a few questions..."

~ The Drive's Creation ~ Madness Combat x Auditor!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now