05| Murder

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...Masamichi Yaga POV****

Gojo failed! He failed to kill that parasite.

We done so much to kill off the insect. The root of all chaos had a weakness and they tried to seize it but failed. We have the most potentially strongest curse on our side. We claimed its mind and exploited their abilities.

Why couldn't the root of the problem be destroyed.

"Principal we can't contain the curse!" A subordinate came running.

We rushed to the operating room. The curse eyes were on full display. His eyes shining like the purest blue diamonds.

The curse did everything in his power to resist. The doctors did everything in their power to subdue him.

Then the curse got loose, tears streaming down its face. The curse's body shifted between a child, teen and adult body.

The curse stayed in a teens body. The boy killed within an instant. Jujutsu sorcerers launched towards the loose curse. They attempted to kill him with their cursed techniques but nothing got close to him. The boy moves his hand toward his face making a pale white fan appear in his hand. The boy took a step and every sorcerer ended up dead within a moment.

His clothes flashed to a pure white kimono. I trembled. I backed away as his cold eyes landed on me.

"Unlimited Void" The boy said.

I gasped being sucked into his void. My mind spun in horror.


...Gojo POV****

'What should I do.'

'I don't know my way home.'

'Should I wait?'

I sighed. I didn't desire to see the outside world at the moment. Then a smaller curse snuck it way in here.

"little curse." I called out.

"Do you know the healer?" I asked.

The curse indicted a yes.

"Find them and tell them I'm waiting at the shrine." the curse indicted a yes and flown off.

I went to the shrine in hopes of a quick saving. I didn't want to be here any longer and I didn't want to kill anything else. I swiftly approached the shrine my Auntie used to habitat in.

This shrine was in complete ruins, everything was so fragile reminded me how my lovely auntie looked when we accidentally met. This room smelled of his floral scent making me comfortable. I know master is going to be stubborn so I can wait for a month.


...Third POV****

Yuuji woken up from a needed sleep. He saw Sukuna in a robe with his chest being exposed. They made eye contact with each of them having different expressions. Sukuna eyes filled with worry as he scooted closer towards his lover and Yuuji eyes were filled with love and trust.

Sukuna gently held Yuugi as he got closer. He hugged the lovely little thing in his arms. His eyes becoming softer than marshmallows.


"Yes my love."

"When are we going to retrieve him? I'm so worried they'll hurt him. I was to weak to save him back then but your here now so.." my voice cracked.

Sukuna pulled Yuuji in for hug patting his head, "We—

The door to their room opened swiftly. Sukuna gave a murderous glare.

"Boss we have a message for your wife."

Yuuji perked up slowly making it out his lover's arms. Sukuna groaned following his wife to the main hall. He saw a low grade curse. It tremble with all the elite curses present in the room.

"My liege I have a message for the healer." The little curse stuttered out.

"What is it?" Yuuji asked.

"Auntie I don't know my way home so I am waiting at your shrine. Don't let that overprotective Buffon of a man hold you back." The curse finished.

Yuuji got up about to head out but Sukuna caught his frantic lover.

"Suku San let me go."

"Geto, Hanami and Mahito will head there so you won't have to worry. Okay?" Sukuna said crushing his lover with a hug.

"But he wants me to be there. I need to be there for him."

"But I need you." Sukuna said quietly.

Yuuji stopped struggling. He cursed himself out for being so selfish. His lover is just as scared of him of loosing him again.

"I-I'm sorry." Yuuji said hugging Sukuna.

"You three set out and retrieve Satoru." Sukuna commanded.

"As you wish my king." They all said in unison.

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