Chapter 5 - "But I'll always be your little Angel, right Dad?"

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"Hey, you okay?" I asked Sean, catching up to him.

"Yeah. Fine. Just, you know, I don't need Hank trying to tell me what to do all the time." Sean sighs.

"He just wants what's best for you is all. He cares about you and he wants to get you back home safely." I say, hoping to help.

"But it gets so embarrassing! It's the worst when they try so hard to help." Sean exasperates.

"Is it though? I mean, the worst would be if they didn't try at all. I can't speak from experience but if I had a Dad, I would want him to try at least..." I trail off.

"You're right, like always." He admits to me.

"I know." I reply with a smirk, nudging him with my shoulder.

We continued to walk next to each other, arms brushing occasionally. Kailani came over and walked next to us eventually. They would ask about plants and animals and I would tell them what I'd know. I also took that opportunity to ask them about their "world."

Sean and Kailani told me about phones, computers, libraries, different types of food and cultures, and government buildings. He also told me about his school and some of the history of where he's from. He talked about some of the wars and a person of power called the President... I think. I listened intently and I couldn't help but wanna see all of these things for myself.

I looked around and saw Kailani talking to her Dad, Alex reading Nemo's journal and occasionally looking at his compass to make sure we didn't stray off track, and Hank reading Mysterious Island.

We came to the end of the jungle and I smiled up at the sun, happy to see it again. I saw Hank get out his map, he stared at it for a moment before looking up, confused.

"Alexander, are you sure your compass readings are correct?" Hank inquired, looking back at Alex.

"Of course, I am, why?" He asked him back.

"Why? Because we're down here, and we need to be all the way up there." Hank said, pointing all the way up the waterfall cliffs.

I stepped forward next to Alex.

"To every problem, there is a solution." I tell him.

"And I think this might be a fun one." Alex adds, making me smile.

"'Ywho think dis migdht be a fun wone, eh?' Hey, does anyone have an umbrella? Because apparently Mary Poppins here is gonna fly us to the top of the cliff." Hank mocks Alex.

My eyes met Alex's and I could tell we were thinking the same thing.

"Hank, you're a genius!" I cheered.

"I knew you'd be good for something!" Alex cheered after me. "Better wait here, Henry." Alex took off into the bushes beside us.

"Wh-Where's he going?" Gabato asked me.

"You'll see." I replied, trying to hide my excitement.

"That guy is completely out of his mind." Hank stated.

Alex then came out of the bushes cheering riding a bee.

"Oh! I most certainly am!" Hank cheered, mocking Hank's comment.

I laughed at everyone's shocked faces.

"It turns out that mounting the bee is easy if you don't look into its eyes!" Alex noted.

"That is so sick!" Sean said.

Hank started to talk to Alex about something but I tuned him out. I quickly laughed and grabbed Sean's hand, pulling him towards another bee.

Journey to the Mysterious Island -- Sean Anderson x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now