Part 49

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All of them landed at the Greece airport. Because both Murthys as well as Malhotras were into international business, people knew them in Greece too and ofcourse THE FAB5 were famous.

They were all out of the private area and were waiting for the cars. Nandini and Manik were standing in company.

Nandini leaned towards Manik a bit and said, 

Nandini: Manik

Manik looked at her and bended a little to listen to her.

Manik: Hmm

Nandini: Now that we are here, you can tell me the venue can't you?

Manik chuckled for a while and then stopped and started checking his phone.

Nandini waiting for an answer, looked at him engrossed in his phone. She elbowed him, snatched his phone and whimpered . 

Nandini: Manikkkkkkk

Manik: Nandiniiiiiii

Nandini : Bataiye na. 

Manik: Nandini, come on na , itna wait kara thoda sa aur. You will love it , I promise.

Nandini: Ofcourse I will love it but bata do na ab anyway I am gonna know in a while.

Manik: Exactly, so wait!

Nandini scrunched her lips and muttered a FINE before leaving and joining Naira, Aliya and Mukti. (The girls were developing a beautiful bond.)

Manik: Arey? Is she on her dates ? Ajeeb mood swings hai.

Aliya: Nandini when we reach the venue today will you teach me how to make that chocolate shake? I loved it when I had it last time.

Nandini smiled at her and nodded.

Soon the car came and they all got in.

Manik looked at Nandini who was busy with Naira.

Manik signalled Naira to have Nandini's attention and he did succeed.

Nandini: Stop it Manik. Kya hain?

Manik: You are angry?

Nandini: NO

Manik: Sure? Accha even if aap hain, please don't be. I want you to enjoy the surprise I have for you and if you stay off like this, I won't be happy.

Nandini smiled at him : I am not angry Manik.

Manik: Yeah but u don't look happy either.

Nandini came near him and hugged him sideways: I am and I love you.

Manik: Better!

Saying this he kissed her head.

Naira: Thank god its just me and Kartik in this car nahi?

Nandini: SHUT UP


All of them were enjoying to their fullest in their cars when the DRIVER informed them, they reached.

Naira, Kartik and everyone else got down of their respective cars. Nandini and Manik  got down too and Nandini was just mesmerized to see the place, the view and not just her all the ladies were just into the venue.

Swarna liked the venue too but who could stop her from commenting..: Itna kharcha kyu ? Ghar se hi ho jaati par kya kahe aaj kal ke bach-

She could not continue further with that one glare of  Raman and Abhimanyu. Not just them Manik too was glaring at her asking her not to continue further. He just did not want any interruption in Nandini's happiness. The way she along with other girls was feeling the venue, just that expression on her face, was worth it.

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