Chapter 1

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"Umiko!" Said my friend Kansas, waiting for me at her car.

"Coming! Hold on dumbass!" I said back while in a rush.

We call eachother names all the time it's normal. I ran into her car and accidentally slammed the door.

"What's up with you?!" She said giving me a death stare.

"Nothing I'm just in a rush! I wanna listen to the new kid at the club!" I slapped her shoulder.

"Same! Now buckle up so we can go!" She said laughing.

I buckled up while staring at her.

"OW, FUCK, FUCK!!" I said in pain.

"What now?! Oh my fucking god.. she ran out to my house to get paper towels. I had pinched my finger so bad that I bled. And a lot. She ran back throwing like 10 paper towels at me. I put the paper towels where the blood was. She gave me a band aid. It litterly cut like half my skin. It was really gross. She drove off with pale skin. She hated seeing blood.

"Put your finger out the window or something, I dont want to pass out on the wheel." Kansas said while pulling out of my driveway.

I put my finger in my sweater pocket. We had finally got to the club after like 30 minutes. When we got inside Kansas and I separated for a bit. She wanted to go to the bar. I only went there every night to hear people sing. This boy had a mask on but a very very beautiful voice. He was pretty tall too. He looked to be at least in his 20s. He said he only had 3 songs that he would sing over and over again. He said he would play one every night. He started to sing the song he called 'Starting Line'

"I think I missed the gun at the Starting Line!" He said staring at me.

I got butterflies I must have got caught in his beautiful blue eyes for like 3 minutes because when the song was done he looked away so I couldn't stare anymore. He left the stage leaving from the back exit. I saw him walk by the doorway right behind me. I tried to see who it was but they were already gone. Kansas was drunk as hell so I had to drive her home and stay with her for the night so she didnt do anything dumb.

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