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A school however, was not as luxurious as a train. It was fully equipped with working heaters, however the school opted not to switch them on as they were never able to secure the budget to run them. We could be sure that the principals office did not feel the pinch of the purse string though. Sheõ had managed to find this out firsthand when she was brought in front of him in the week prior to explain why she had colluded with fellow students in order to cheat on a test. Sheõ was in fact innocent but a cruel twist of fate so the notes that were passed around end up in her hands right as the teacher looked up from her book. She had no defence, being the child of a Japanese mother and an American father had already put her in a lower class among the eyes of the purest faculty plus she was an average student at best so the need to cheat was indefensible. She was at a lost and one the other test had been collected those students papers showing the answer on the note, which where incorrect, were also to be punished in line with sheõ.

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