02. 3am thoughts

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Jaehyun lived in a big house. Well, it wasn't actually that big, but it wasn't small either. It was enough to sustain his family of his brother, sister-in-law, niece and two dogs. His younger sister— the youngest in the family besides his niece— used to live there, but later moved away when she decided she wanted to be independant. 

He almost yelled when he came back home and heard footsteps. Upon realising that it was just his niece, he relaxed, but straightened his posture again when he realised it was his niece

"Oh my god, Heeji, you scared me! What are you doing up at," he paused to check the time, "3 A.M?"

"Where were you, samchon?" Heeji rubbed her eyes and yawned, her small hands tightly clutching a Kumamon plush, promptly ignoring Jaehyun's question.

"I-uh, was at a friend's house. He needed help with his work. Top secret!" he wiggled his brows, dramatically keeping his index finger over his mouth, exaggerating the last sentence. It worked because Heeji giggled and brought up the Kumamon plush to cover her mouth while doing so.

"What kind of work makes your cheeks go red?" 

Jaehyun snapped out of the joking mode he was in. Eyes widening immediately, he instantly crouched down to his four-year-old niece's height. 

"My cheeks are red?" he asked, voice tuning down into a whisper. When Heeji nodded with wide eyes, he felt his cheeks and realised that the skin over there was actually warm. 

He just shrugged it off, finding no reason for himself to be flustered on. 

"You ignored it the first time I asked you, but what are you doing up right now? And how did hyung and hyungsoo not notice?" Jaehyun ruffled her hair as he asked.

"Appa and Eomma were doing that thing— cuh-duh-ling. . . yes, cuddling. They were cuddling. And I always sleep in between them, so I was getting crushed and felt sweaty. So I came to your room to sleep with you, but you weren't there. That's why I was looking for you in the house, when you came through the door," Heeji replied, looking at Jaehyun with a little pout and huge, round eyes. God, he was always weak for that face. Curse his brother and sister-in-law for making the cutest baby ever. 

"Mhm hmm, I'll tell them tomorrow morning," technically it would be today morning, but Jaehyun didn't say that, "that their little daughter doesn't like getting crushed in between their bodies. For now, you can sleep with me in my room, okay?" he added a little mischievous grin at the end, wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manner. Heeji giggled; Jaehyun knew that gesture of his always gets that reaction off her. 

"Don't tell Appa and Eomma that I said this, but I like your room better," she said, grin matching Jaehyun's. 

"I know, right? Mine even has a nice bay window, but all their room has is one big, boring French door. A bay window is obviously cooler than that."

And off they went, Jaehyun carrying his niece in his arms, Kumamon plushie and all, in the direction of Jaehyun's room. They passed his brother and sister-in-law's room, and Jaehyun decided to take a peek, and indeed, they were doing just what Heeji had described.

Gross, he thought, destroying my little girl's sleep like that.

When they reached his room, Jaehyun discarded his glasses from the bed. He'd forgotten them before getting to Namjoon's house, but he didn't really need them looking at the reason why Namjoon had called him there. 

He tucked Heeji in who basically strangled her plushie while hugging it. Jaehyun felt sad for Kumamon. He sneakily kissed her forehead, bidding her a good night while getting under the covers as well. 

He couldn't sleep. He tried counting the sheep. He tried making scenarios of his favourite ship. Tried squeezing and relaxing his muscles. Even tried doing some sleep mantras— something he'd found out when he was lazying off on the web, but nothing worked.

That left with his thoughts. All alone, on a nice, comfortable date. 

Heeji had mentioned that his cheeks were red. In the heat of the moment, he didn't really mind it, but now, being left alone with nothing but his pure thoughts, he pondered upon it. Cheeks usually turn red upon alcohol consumption, but he hadn't had any of that recently. Or because of anxiety, and he was pretty much not anxious over anything recently.

Could it be? 

No, he reminded himself. There's no way. 

He had come out as pansexual long, long ago. Faced his brother's hesitation, his younger sister's outburst at said brother, his brother's apology to him, his sister's overly joyful hug. He wasn't going to say any stuff like, Jaehyun, you're not gay! or I'm straight! as shown in some gay dramas and fanfictions (Don't come at him. His sister wrote gay Archive Of Our Own fanfictions). 

And plus, it was just a favour. He helped Namjoon write a kiss scene, and was more than glad to have done that. However snappy he was during the time, he secretly knew he was happy that Namjoon trusted him enough to ask him for that, and also kind of fascinated at the man's confidence, because if Jaehyun had to ever do that, his legs would be shaking. 

That's it, Jaehyun concluded, my cheeks were red because it was my first kiss.

And just like that, he drifted off into the realm of Hypnos.

i will fight anyone who dislikes seol heeji.

also, a little insight on korean honourifics ::

samchon is what you'd call your father's unmarried younger brother, while hyungsoo is what a male would call their elder brother's wife. i'm pretty sure y'all know what hyung, appa & eomma mean. 

anyways i hope you liked !! pls vote & comment, they give me life <3

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