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It's done preheating Lex Drew said with a small laugh "Oh" she said quietly turning back to her frozen veggies "Put some pepper on it" she said sprinkling some on the thirteen peas "Okay what else" she asked looking back at her laptop "Maybe like fifteen of them. FIFTEEN you just said thirteen!" she slightly yelled she got a pot dumping the peas in "Oh no!" she said as one fell out she grabbed another out of the bag tossing it into the pot but it bounced off and fell on the ground

No water no nothin' she said looking at the camera as she put it on the stove "We're gonna put it on medium high cause my mama always said don't go high... or she said don't get high" she said trying to remember "I don't know little late to the last one but anyway" she said looking at her laptop and read Regan's chocolate pie she cut the cake she bought in half for the recipe as she read the recipe "Okay" she said taking a bite out of the top part before throwing it into the sink

Drew looked away trying not to laugh "I hope mom doesn't see this" he said referring to her mom "Oh god" she said quietly knowing she was gonna get chewed out "Now you gotta put it in the oven- man!" she yelled throwing the spoon down on the counter some of the flour coming off getting on her shirt after she was down having her little fit she put the "cake" in the oven then moved onto the cookies she put in the Mexican Vanilla and grabbed her eggs taking out two for both hands she cracked them on the end of the island

I forgot you can do it one handed Drew said "Yeah I'm special" she said smiling throwing the egg shells into the sink aggressively before grabbing another egg "Four spoonful's of chocolate" she read she grabbed her spoon doing four spoonful's "Two spoonful's of pepper" she read going to the cabinet before doing a double take "Pepper?!" she repeated "I gotta eat this too" she said scrunching up her nose putting the two spoonful's off pepper in "Five plates of salt" she read "Oh god" she whispered before looking at Drew who was losing his shit

Shut up she said before grabbing a plate she picked up the salt dumping it onto the plate "One, two, three, four, five" she counted her voice shaky she got a pan dumping the cookie "dough" in it "We got eighteen more minutes on the peas they look kwisp" she said "Hey, Siri" she said looking at her phone she waited for her Siri to respond "I'm listening" she said "Set a timer for four hours" she said

I can't set a timer she said making her do a weird angry move "Would you like to set a reminder" she finished "I knew what they say on TV was a lie" she said grabbing her phone "Hey, Siri" she said she pulled her phone back some and repeated herself "Hey, Siri!" she said slightly louder "Hm" she hummed "Wh- were you sleepin?" she asked with attitude "Set a timer for four hours" she said "Your timer is set for four hours" she said she rolled her eyes shaking her head setting her phone back down on the counter

After cooking more of the food all they had to do was wait another hour for the turkey so they went live "Why does Drew look like he's crying" Lexy read "You'll see why when her video comes out" he said drinking out of his water bottle "Wait why is there flour on my back" she asked "You're just now noticing that?" Drew asked raising his brows "That happened hours ago" he said

Oh she said quietly taking a drink out of her Sprite making him laugh she looked at the comments and chuckled seeing Tyler Posey yelling at her for to add him in she added him in and smiled "I thought you were going to ignore me like usual" he said she scoffed "Do not" she said he gave her a look and she sighed "Okay maybe" she said getting a look from Drew "Shut up" she said looking at him he let out a small laugh and she looked back at her phone looking at the comments ignoring the "Will you get back together" comments

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