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-After the battle Group 4 and No.1 Hero Endeavor-

Girls: You guys wanna explain what just happened?
boys: oh
Endeavor: Could You guys explain How Is shoto Not getting frostbite by using that amount of ice and How is Katsuki Keep using explosion won't it be hard for him to produce sweat in somewhere Cold?
Boys: You could Ask Izuku about that
They all looked at Izuku and Izuku nods
Izuku: Well basically the new Support items that i designed
Girls&Pros: Support Items that you designed?
Izuku: Well it call started when me and the other's stayed at the todoroki's
When i saw Fuyumi-san how her Quirk Work 
Endeavor: You mean Fuyumi's Control of Hot and cold Temperature?
Izuku: Yep! Her Quirk got me Ideas For Kat And Sho
Katsuki You guys know how hard it is for me to sweat when it's cold
Shoto: You also know when i use my ice side i can get frostbite and my fire side gives a 2nd Degree burn and if use both sides it cost a lot of stamina
They all nodded
Katsuki: Izuku made these Gauntlet's
Shoto: He also made my new suit
Both Their called Thermo Gauntlet's/Suit
Izuku: yep the gauntlet's has a heater for his palms for him to sweat while he's in cold places
and sho's Suit has a cooler and a heater The cooler help him use His fire without getting burned or overheated While the heater can help him more Ice so he won't get frostbite
They we're all shock 
Izuku: Endeavor-san I think the cooler suit for you would really help you so you won't overheat cause of your Quirk
Endeavor: Thanks Young Izuku do you have the blueprints?
Izuku nods
Hawks: Could also about that new move and that Blazing Style?
boys: Ohh, Well it all started 4 days ago


When they we're at a forest Izuku had ideas for improving himself and He saw a Capoeira martial artist practicing Izuku ask if he could teach him Capoeira Which the guy was happy to taught him
the guy's Quirk was Gust Blast it basically he produces A gust of wind in his palms and feet 
Izuku saw his quirk and starts thinking of ways to help him Improve himself he thought instead of using air force Gloves he thought of making boots 
the boots produces super heated wind blasts that can ignite things and burn it 
he accidentally hits a tree and it start to get caught fire
And he added Capoeira to it and he made alot of Combo's 
he first used this against Katsuki and Eijiro at first they we're shock about Izuku's new moves it felt like he's Dancing while Fighting both of them and used the same technique and blinded both of them and went behind them chopping their necks knocking them out Unconscious 
When they Created the new combo attack The X Cannon Blast
when Izuku thought of i new combo move for shoto , katsuki and Eijiro Izuku told them how it worked 
Izuku told Shoto make an ice Cylinder almost like a human cannon 
He told Katsuki that he's gonna use his explosion to fire Eijiro
he told Eijiro that he's gonna need to harden Himself and also said that he's gonna be a human cannonball 
They all started doing it
Izuku saids fire!
Eijiro hardens to he won't get hurt
Katsuki Uses he's Explosions to propel Kirishima 
and they destroyed 40-43 Tree's in one shot!
they we're shock how powerful it is they all thought how much damage will this combo do a human or a nomu
and they also taught this move to Neito and Testsutestsu

-Flashback Ends-

Izuku: when i signaled Neito and tetsutetsu To prepare they helped Katsuki, Shoto, Eijiro to get up from the rubble Neito Copied Kat's and sho's Quirk to make 2 X Cannon's
Izuku: got anymore Questions?
Mina: Hey Midori! when could danced like that?
Izuku(stared): It's not Dancing it's capoeira -said in a bored tone-
The girls we're shock and got shiver down their spines
they have never thought of Izuku would speak to them like that
Izuku: Well if that all your Question's I'll be taking my leave now!
Boys: we're also coming with ya!
The girls and pro's except endeavor We're shock they have never seen Izuku also the other to change so much
Endeavor snickers
Hawks: what are you snickering about?
They all looked at Endeavor
Endeavor: Oh nothing~ -in a playful tone-
As he leaves
girls&teachers: He knows something about them

-Timeskip Cafeteria-

Izuku: man I'm hungry!
The rest: who can blame you, you guys fought the No.1 hero while the girls in 1A We're doubting you guys
Izuku: that show them how much we changed and to never underestimate US!
all of them smiled and they all took their order's

With The Girl's 

Kendo: Hmm Something Change in Midoriya
Setsuna: yeah Something definitely changed about him like look at him he's gonna taller, more Hotter!, He doesn't stutter anymore he also looks more confident
they all nodded 
Yui: But the way he looks and the way he speaks to his female classmates
girls: we can talk about that later he might just have a bad day or something like that
now c'mon let's go get something to eat!
As they all went to the cafeteria they saw the boys having a blast
smiling, laughing, joking Around with one another
Then Izuku Saw them and he just gets up and leaves the others wanna know why he left then they saw the class 1A girls and they also left and went back to their Class
1BGirls(Thought): Ok something must have happened between The Boys of 1A and the Girls of 1A

-Timeskip At the Classroom-

Aizawa: Ok class Friday we'll have a karaoke at the Auditorium At Friday it's not graded i just want you guys to know so you guys better be there!
Everyone: HAI!
Aizawa: It's gonna be at 9PM
Izuku(thought): Karaoke huh? well better bring my guitar

-Timeskip- Class Ends

Momo: hey Izu?
Izuku: 'Izu since when was i close to Yaoyorozu?' yeah you need something -giving her a smile- also acting
Momo(Blushes): oh nothing i just wanna ask if you want to hangout with rest of the girls?

The Bro's

Boys: My Bro senses is tingling Izuku Need help!

Back with Momo and Izuku
Momo: So are you busy?
boys: Yo Izuku we need need your help Fumi lost his sword's we need help find it! -lying-
Izuku: i guess I'm busy how about next time Yaoyorozu
Momo: O-o-oh s-s-sure next time -sad-
Izuku went with the broes
Izuku: -whisper- Thanks guys you saved my bacon!
Broes: No prob!
They all went to outside and went to the mall to their meet up place with Class B's Boys
They went to the arcade and then had Fun!

-Chapter Ends-

Guys i need music For the Karaoke

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