Naruto's Past

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You may be wondering about that blonde-haired, blue-eyed, ball of sunshine right? Since you read the description, you know that he hides his past. I suppose I can tell you now, while everyone in Konoha is asleep.


A blonde-headed three year old walked down his ragged stairs from his tiny apartment, which he was supposed to call home. Of course that would never be his home, home is a place that you love with the people you love. This blonde haired kid was named Naruto. As he walked down the stairs this very sunset everything seemed to be quiet, as if it was waiting for something. Naruto of course sensed this quietness, he was much smarter than people gave him for. Especially since he could talk, walk, run, do math, write, and read maps at his age of 3, the only person who knew this was the third Hokage. Back to him walking down the stairs...

Naruto reached the bottom and started walking down the streets, every once in while a piece of garbage or something heavy was thrown at him, he of course dodged since he was very agile, but he was only three without training so the trash sometimes hit him. Naruto decided to take a walk down an alley way instead of the streets since they wouldn't be able to throw things at him from there. Bad idea, for this was the place where Naruto would be scarred for his life.

As he walked down the alley footsteps could be heard behind him. Naruto could sense 15-17 people together from behind and in front of him. Not good. Naruto was soon stuck, surrounded by some very angry, and seemed to be drunk villagers. He tried to escape but the people had made a tight circle around him. 

"Hello little monster, did you know that I was once married and had a wonderful home? That was until you destroyed it!" said one man, and Naruto was punched to the ground. 

"And I had a child, you killed my child!" said another villager, which started more punching and kicking on the poor boy on the ground.

More things were said until he felt himself being raised by the collar of his small shirt. He was already beaten to the point where any normal three year old would be paralyzed, couldn't they stop?

"My brother and his wife were murdered by you." said the large man holding him up.

And that is when he felt something plunge into the side of his stomach. He was then dropped to the ground only increasing the pain of which he was enduring as all of the drunken, angry villagers left. He slowly looked down once he felt their presences leave, to see a kunai in the side of his stomach.

He had to get up though, if he didn't they would come back and beat him to death, and he didn't want to die. Yet.

He felt the blood dripping out of him as he walked down the dark alley, sometimes sensing a rat or mouse running around him. He heard them talking about him.

"Is he okay?"

"Poor Poor boy.."

"Can we help him?"

At least they cared about him right? Thats when he sensed his best friend out of the mice, Adzuki. Adzuki was a mouse that was almost red and was somewhat chubby, it reminded Naruto of that one kid Choji who was actually nice to him as well as that one kid Shikamaru. Adzuki ran up to him as soon as he felt Naruto's presence.

"What happened!" cried Adzuki

"Where's the way out?" Naruto said quietly and weakly.

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