Chapter 1 - the emergency meeting

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(kaito's POV)

I stood up and wiped the sweat from my forehead and sat up. Doing these tasks is harder than I thought it'd be. I can't even swipe the damn card at the right speed!

I heard a voice call to me. It was Cyan.

"Hey, Purple! Come to the cafeteria. An emergency meeting is taking place."

"How may times do I have to tell you.. call me Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars! But yeah, I'll come." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Good. Blue says it's something really important."

I wonder what this meeting could be for? I thought as I followed Cyan to the cafeteria. Other crew members had said that Emergency meetings are supposedly super rare.

. . .

We sat around the center table in the cafeteria. Blue cleared his throat.

"Ahem. I have gathered you all hear to inform you..." the crew members listened in anticipation. "...there is an Imposter among us."

"huh!? what does that mean!?" Pink sputtered.

blue answered, "It means that the AMOGUS headquarters have informed me that one of you isn't actually one of our crew members, but a spy from a rival ship. We need to find out who the spy is and eject them as soon as possible."

We glanced at each other nervously. Who was the Imposter? Who can we trust?

It was this announcement that changed everything. The atmosphere, the friendships, people couldn't even eat breakfast without staring each other down, looking for any traces of suspicion. We could trust no one.

Written In The Stars (impomota) Where stories live. Discover now