She Did It . . .

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She did it. Finally told me the truth; told me she could see it. See it my face how hard im struggling. She said she tries to make it easier on me as much as she could but does no good. She could see how stressed out I am on this. Says she’s sorry that it’s so hard for me. Made me tear up, made me tear up like never before and that did some good but not all. Tries to make it better by talking to the people who are here to help but they cant do anything. She knows. She knows how hard it is and understands how bad I have it. The reason she keeps lecturing me about it is to do her job as a parent. That’s all. Her job as a parent to make sure this happens on time and on the right track. She feels for me. She just wants to make me feel better and hope it doesn’t last but no promises there. As Im here typing what just happened im crying, just as what she said. Knowing im never going to forget what she just said; what just happened. It’s all too much right now and the music that Im listening to doesn’t really help.

well, this is a preview of this book i'll be hopefulkly writing and i hope it good!(:

please tell me what you think so far and maybe give me some advice? a newby could use some lol![x 

comment! advice! haha please

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2013 ⏰

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