Chapter 13: How it started

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Hey! Once again!

Thank you for 200+ reads and for being so kind with all your comments.

This book is now coming to an end...


Just kidding!

Anyways, the end is not here and this chapter is about Markus Jason King.

⚠️disturbing content, please do not read⚠️

Have fun!

And my jokes are to lighten your mood!

It's in the past, so it'll be like this instead of this.

Have fun!!

Peace until the end✌️


Kid Markus's POV~

Dad went to office while I stayed with mommy. Mommy was going to drop me off to daycare and go to work.

"Bye, my love." She kisses my cheek
"Mama!" I whine.
"Oh, baby, no whining. Mama will come back soon." She kisses the tip of my nose andeaves me with other kids.

Winston comes up to me.
"Hey, Cry baby!" He yells.
"Please don't bully me! Momma says bullies are bad and they shouldn't bully." I say in my baby voice.
Momma always wanted me to be strong.
Winston pushes me down on the ground and I fall.
"Hey! That's mean! I'll tell the teacher!"

I never got the chance. It had been only thirty minutes and mother checked me out of the daycare once more. This time, she was really jumpy.
"What happened, Momma?" I asked.
She just shook her head and let out a sob.

We entered the house and I saw two new people.

One of theirs eyes gleamed with anger.
"Sit your a*s down!" He screamed.
Mother sat with sobs wracking her body.

He shot her on the leg and she screamed.
"Momma! MOMMA!" I yelled.
"Shut that kid down."

My mother was a Pre-school teacher. (Martin is two years younger, so he was one when he brought the gun.)

A cloth came over my mouth and I screamed. I was only three.

"Please! PLEAAE DON'T HURT HIM!" Momma cried.

I felt a stinging sensation on my left cheek and my face was facing mommy when I didn't remember turning my face. Tears fell down as I realized I'd been hit. My left cheek swelled up and my mother sobbed harder.


The door clicked open and I turned to see my father.
"What in the world is going on here?!" He roared. The other bad man knocked him out.
"Cut him to pieces. I'll have fun with this woman. Keep the child quiet." The dark eyed man said. My momma screamed in fear as he dragged her away.

I cried. I heard my father's screams and my mother's pleas to save her. And I was tied up to the chair.

The other man came, bloody. He had blood everywhere.
"Master Kain said to keep you quiet." He smirked.

He took out a knife and started cutting my hands. I cried in pain, but whenever I did he'd punch me.

"Let's go."

⚠️(IT'S OVER NOW!)⚠️

They left and I didn't hear my father or my momma. I was tied, beat up, cut up and gagged.

The left me. As the police came inside and pity filled their eyes as they saw me. And told me that I have no parents anymore.


A man similar to the man who took everything away came up to me. I covered in fear and he, hurting me pulled the hand down.
"Do you want to a family?" He asked.
"I'll get you then." He said.

He took me to his house and to the basement.
"What is this?" I was a curious six year old.
"Tie him up, he needs to know when to ask questions." The man said.

I loseened his grip on my hand and panicked. As I ran toward the light, I was dragged by ten paints of hands into the darkness. With the devil laughing.


He cute me open from my stomach. A scar that haunts me. Punched me, tortured me into submission.

I was his puppet. And he made me his dog at the age of six, but he had a hold over me a long time before that.


He killed my mother! He killed my Father! He killed me.

Markus Jason King was a kind boy, he made me a ruthless Kain.

And how am I gonna get my payback?

By ruthlessly taking away his son. Like he did once for my mother.

He will pay for what he did to me. Mark my words! He will pay!

Sorry for the Gore!

Morning/afternoon/evening/night to y'all!

Sorry for the Gore. But it's Mark's past.

Let me know if you liked it.

I did put out warnings where to read and where not to.

Peace out✌️

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