The Sleep-over.

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      Chapter 1____

  "Jess, you whore, speed up!" I was running the slowest on the track field, sweat beads already running down my forehead. It was only the first five laps too. Shit, sports just aren't my thing. I thought to myself, but then again, at least I wasn't part of the 'popular group', fixing my hair every meter I ran, god, what a nightmare.

  As I ran I noticed my friends, Violet and Penny, staring at me yelling, "Run Forest, RUN!" every other lap. After I was done I walked over to them, gathering my things, "Sup' Vi, Pen."

  "Are you prepared for tonight?" said Vi.

  "Course, I got all the stuff" said I.

  "Guys, I'm not sure if we should still do this, I mean what if we get into serious trouble. People will think we're fucking pschyopaths." Pen said in a hushed voice.

  "Calm the fuck down Pen." said Vi, "Yeah, I mean it's not like we're gonna tell anyone, RIGHT Vi?"

  "Psh! I'm not the one that owns a fucking Faceook, Twitter, Tumblr, Insta-"

  "Alright I get it," I interrupted, "As long as we do everything perciesly as it says, we should be fine." the last part I said in sort of a uncertain, shaky voice.

  Eventually, after a bit of silence, we all grinned from ear-to-ear. Then, all together we said, "SLEEPOVER!!!"

    Chapter 2____

  I took some drinks and candy up to my room, "Don't be staying up all night dear!" said my mother. "I won't, I promise!" I yelled as I was walking up the stairs to my room. I laid the snacks onto my bed which is right next to my dresser, with a picture of my grandmother on it. Her bright smile and vibrant red sweater making her look like on of the sweetest old women you would see at a park, sitting around feeding birds.

  "I'll see you soon grandma," I kissed the picture frame, looking into the mirror, "really soon..." I stood there for about ten minutes, staring into the mirror, staring past myself.

  "Jess! Your friends are here honey!" I jumped and almost dropped the picture, using my fast reflexes to catch it mid-air. The breath almost knocked right out of me for no real apparent reason. My friends barging into my room, carrying huge duffle bags and a sleeping bag to along with it.

  "You ready for the time of your life?" Vi exclaimed. I couldn't help but smile, almost manically. How could she be so calm about this?! I know Violet well, but there are still many things that I still don't know about her. Pen walked in almost as calm as Violet was, still with that goofy grin on her face like she always had.

  "Alright, have fun you three," my mother said, "if you need me I'll be three rooms alway, just holler!" she said with a grin that always made me smile too.

  "You ready guys?" I said with a hint of excitement inside my voice.

  "Ready when you are Penny." Vi said. Pen just nodded, I could see the anxiety and fear in her pale green eyes.

  "Alright then, I'll start it off, you got the rest of the stuff?" I asked, looking under my bed for the materials.

  "Yup, they're all in the duffel bags. We should start now, we have to do this at a certain time. It's basically either now or never, guys." said Pen.

  "I'll draw it, I need to anyway." Vi said, pulling out a thin but stable piece of chalk, it looked more like some sort of mineral though, like onyx. Violet got on the floor and started tracing a circle just big enough for the three of us to sit in. Penny surrounded the tracing with diferent colored candles, 6 in all. One white one at the bottom, two red on the bottom half, two a pale blue, and at the top was a pure midnight black candle.

  I pulled out a bag of pure salt rocks about the size of a small pebble, and spread them on the outside of the circled that was giving off an eerie grey glow, it was very faint, but still noticable. After that we all sat down on the inside of the circle, crossing our legs and holding each other's hands, Pen constricting our hands the most. I could tell she was scared, so I gave her soft warming smile, or, at least the best one I could muster at the time.

  We all looked at each other and Violet nodded,. Then, me being the only one brave enough to look away from the glow of the circle, which was getting stronger by the minute, said, "Let the Ritual. Begin..."

          To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2013 ⏰

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