Lost and Found- Peter Parker

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Movie- Endgame
Reader age- 17

We all ran outside when we heard the jet. The door opened and Tony walked out as well as a robot girl who I'd never seen before. Tony looked so weak, like he was dying. Steve and Rhodey went to make sure he was okay. I ran towards the door of the jet.

"Peter?" I shouted from outside. "Peter?" There was no answer. I turned towards Tony. "Where's Peter?" He looked at me with pity in his eyes. Tears filled my eyes as I asked him again. "Where is he, Tony? Where is he?"

He looked at the ground, with tears in his eyes. I ran towards him and grabbed his shirt. "Where is he?! Please, Tony... Please..."

"I'm sorry..." That was all he needed to say. The realisation hit me like a truck. I let go of him, bringing my hands to my face.

"No. No.. No no no no no no no.... Peter..." I was sobbing now. My dad held me as I cried over my best friend, the love of my life. I sobbed into his chest, as he rubbed my back, shushing me. I heard someone approach us.

"Bruce," Steve's voice said, "take her inside."


I walked into my, formerly May's, apartment. She had unfortunately not survived the snap. I gave up the Avengers gig after a few months. I couldn't do it without Peter. It hurt too much. We had always done everything together, but now.. It also wasn't fair on the team, me not being in the right headspace. I decided to take a break until I'd finished mourning, not just Peter, but everyone we had lost. I never did. How could I? I had lost almost everyone I loved. I'd decided to move out of the compound, so I could be closer to Peter in a way. May's had always felt like a second home to me.

I dumped my bag on the couch, and was about to walk to the kitchen when I heard a noise. I made fire in my hand to use against the intruder. The noise got louder as the person came closer to me. I kept my guard up until I saw familiar fluffy hair emerge from my bedroom. I let my fire dissipate as I was met with a face that I hadn't seen in 5 years.


He looked just as surprised to see me.
"Y/N?" I had missed the way he said my name. I walked up to him, placing my hands on his cheeks.

"Peter? Is it really you?" He nodded as his hands held my waist.

"Yeah, it's me." I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, hugging him as hard as I could. I was afraid that if I let go, he would disappear again. His arms tightly held my waist, as my hands went to play with the hairs at the nape of his neck. He pressed kisses to my hair before I pulled away from him slowly. Tears ran down both of our faces. His thumb came up to brush some of them away.

"I missed you so much. Don't you ever do that to me again." He chuckled slightly.

"I won't. I promise." His thumb brushed lazily over my cheek. "I love you so much."

"I love you so much too." He leaned forward and kissed me, holding me tighter to him than before. I kissed back, my hands gripping at his fluffy hair. His soft lips moved against mine perfectly. I was addicted to him.

This moment was everything, I was kissing the man I loved, and I was never going to lose him again.

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