The Sun will Never rise Again (SHORT STORY)

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i looked up my sensitive nose sniffing the air, it smelt of rain, typical of such a place as this, i ran through the forest letting my senses guide me, forgetting everything, my promblems, my past, myself, i lost myself in the feel of the wind whipping my long dead straight midnight black locks ferouciously around my face as my rock hard, ice cold skin gave off the faintest shimmer in the moonlight, the tree branches lashed out at my marble skin but never left a mark, as i flitted through the forest, my feet never really touching the ground and leaving no traces, no human would be able to see me, i was too fast, almost invisible, i gave in completly to my monster, the craving id been denying for weeks, the burn in my throat intensified as i came to a total stand still and let my senses reach out, to find my prey my midnight black eyes snapped open and narrowed, my long lushes lashes swept across my high cheekbones as my eyes darted around desperate to locate the creature with such an amazing scent, my blood red smooth plump lips dropped into a small oh, not making a sound as they revealed rows of pristine white razor sharp teeth, i arched a brow and cocked my head to the side listening, i heard a river, the water lapping at damp soil that lined the edge of it, i heard the wind in the trees singing a silent song as the leaves danced in it, i heard the shift in the air, i could taste it, i felt it as the fast nimble deer sprang into veiw, it felt the danger, it felt the shift, something was on the hunt, something was going down, and its intincts told it that it didnt want to be here when it happend, it was running, from the danger or so it thought, but unfortunatly for it, it was going in the wrong direction, it was running straight into the arms of a monster, it was running straight into me, before it could comprehend what had happened id already lunged foward gracefully twisting through the air as i dropped down behind it, i snapped its neck in a single fluid motion and sunk my teeth into its flesh, feeling the hot red liquid slide down my throat as the the fire dimmed, till it was smoldering just beneath the surface waiting for its time to wake again, i dropped the dead carcus of my fifth deer of the night, they werent very appetising but they were enough, my eyes turned there usual starteling ice blue and i took off scowering the trees till i reached there tops swinging from tree to tree silently as i looked across the green forest, covered with a thick fog, my eyes narrowing on the 9 inhuman figures that streaked through the forest as blurres, followed by 4 large wolves, with eyes far too intellegent for a regular human,

my target

i smiled soft, sweet and angelic as i slipped silently up to the door of the gorgeous white mansion, with glass panel windows lining the walls, a master peice of course and knocked on the door, though id rather burn then admit it i was terrified, of what hed say, i felt there confusion, they were tense ready to spring but also curious i heard one whispering to a young hybrid to get behind her, isabella no doubt, the door opened cautiously, 

'im looking for carlisle cullen' i said simply my soft sweet bell like voice ringing out, typical vampire voice but it had a rough edge, and sounded sultry and dangerous,

i was looking at a large buff vampire, emmet, he looked feirceley protective, huh as if he could touch me, neither could bellas sheild i thought as i walked past him, ignoring him, i looked around the large open living room i could see 7 vampires, carlisle, esme, jasper, alice, rosalie, edward, isabella, and there was also one behind me, there was a vampire and human hybrid, renessme (nessie) and four shapeshifters, the wolves id seen, embry, seth, leah, jacob, they all shifted nervously as the silence stretched on and my eyes locked on carlisle, who shot across the room ignoring a shout of warning from his mate, i found myself in his embrace as he sobbed tearlessly crushing me to him, i held with just as much strength, if not more,

'Sapphire' he murmed

i let out a tinkly loud laugh,as i looked at him a bright smile on my face,

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