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The next day the school has permission to have a service dog for denki to remind the teachers about his epilepsy during this time in class the dog is classified to be medical equipment to help denki out if needed the dog stay by denki side all day never leave denki side all day Having friends All day help denki out when needed after and during school for the first time in forever his mom stop by to make sure he is ok denki finally got to name his dog the dog name is bolt  he like that name so much it stuck with for the longest time bolt worn Mr aizawa about denki having a seizure in the middle of class he start to twitch really bad and collapse on the floor Shaking and foaming out the mouth they are timing the seizure it stop they roll him over on his side so he don't choke they put him back on the bed to rest and relax bolt lay on the bed with him he woke up recovery girl ask him if he wants to go back to class or his dorm room he when to class with bolt Mr aizawa let denki in the class room so denki can sit down at his desk class was over denki and bolt what to the dorms With the rest of the classmates

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