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Luffy laid in the hospital bed, covered in bandages to protect the road rash from getting worse. He had his ribs put back in place, only one of them punctured a lung, so he had had a fluid bag attached to his side, draining fluid from his lung. He was getting water and nutrients from IV drips. And he didn't wake up. It had been nine days since he was kidnapped and he still didn't stir.

His family had been told that he had died and was brought back with the defibrillator, and he might wake up in a few hours, or days, or not at all. Or he might die in his sleep. Zoro honestly wanted to hurt himself. Luffy had saved him with the bat and Zoro couldn't save him back. But if Luffy woke up, he'd saved himself. They didn't know what happened after he was kidnapped, since the police hadn't come to ask for him to tell them the story because he was still in the coma.

After the fourth day, Zoro had to come sleep at home. He had been sleeping with Luffy in his room, but seeing Luffy like that every second was taking a toll on him. So no one was there when he woke up.

Luffy opened his eyes slowly. It was dark even on his right side. He was groggy so couldn't read the clock but looked out the window to see it was night time. He felt his hands were in bandages and remembered they were from the car glass. Then the whole incident came back to him. It was horrible. But, he had to say, though he was gravely injured, the eye incident was much worse. Luffy had defended himself and had incapacitated his dad. He hoped they'd caught him. It was scary to think about what might have happened if he hadn't been taught by Reighley. He needed to thank him with all his heart.

Then Luffy grew frustrated with himself. Jeez, what a terrible time to have a flashback. Though he shouldn't be surprised considering the words that had caused it. Luffy moved his feet and could tell they were bandaged as well.

Luffy closed his eyes again and drifted back to sleep. No one had known he'd woken up. He didn't have nightmares for once, even though Zoro wasn't with him.

The next morning, Luffy woke up by the sunlight streaming through the open window. He could see better now, and saw the call nurse button and pressed with his stiff hand. A nurse immediately came in and smiled.

"You're awake! How do you feel?" she asked kindly, truly glad to see he was awake. Many of the staff thought he'd never wake up again.

Luffy knew, even if he had his whiteboard, that he couldn't write legibly with his hands so injured. The cuts had scabbed over, but still was injured since some had been deep.

"Groggy. And stiff," he answered, slurring just a little.

"I can see why. Luffy, this is the tenth day since the incident that injured you so badly." His eyes widened. Ten days?! That's so long. That means he'd been scaring his family for a long time. "Do you hurt anywhere?" she asked.

"I can't feel pain," he replied. The nurse believed that, considering how he wasn't in discomfort front the wounds that should still be aching a bit. "Do you want me to call your family or wait for a bit?"

"Please call them," he said. When she began to walk away, he called her back.

"Yes?" she asked nicely.

"Can you wrap my arms? I don't want my family to see them like this," he said, blushing. But she smiled and came back with some ace bandages and gently wrapped both arms. He was glad he'd been wearing a long sleeved shirt or his arms would have torn as well. Oh, he was going to have more scars. But these were different. All of these scars were from him fighting back, not stuck to a wall being tortured.

He thanked her and relaxed back into the comfortable mattress. He hoped all of this was over. That they could take the bars off the windows and not be scared anymore.

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