Chapter 9

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Inosuke laid on his side, propping his head up with one hand. He was intent on facing Tanjiro, but the longer he looked at him, the less he knew what to say.

"I don't want you to go without me, either," he managed. "I'm gonna miss you. A lot. And I—uh..." His eyes darted around as he attempted to find the right words to express himself.

   Tanjiro stared at him hopefully, praying he would say exactly what he'd been wanting to for so long. If he were certain that his own feelings wouldn't burden Inosuke, he would have gladly confessed first. He curled his toes as he waited for him to continue his sentence.

   " you.." Inosuke's voice faltered as he reconsidered his choice of phrasing.

   "Do I what?" Tanjiro could feel his body trembling with each heartbeat. He couldn't keep still if he tried. This had to be it. Please say it, Inosuke. Say you love me.

   Inosuke looked away. "Do you think....uh, if a guy—liked you—do you think you him back?" This would end terribly if Tanjiro didn't feel the same. How was he supposed to redirect the conversation if his love was unrequited? But then again, how much longer would he be willing to act as if his fondness for Tanjiro was merely platonic? His hands started to feel clammy.

   "...It depends on the guy," Tanjiro said, invitingly. He slid his hand closer to Inosuke, who retracted a little from apprehension. For a moment, he debated helping Inosuke to find his words, but his desire for a candid confession held him back. "Is there a certain someone crushing on me that I should know about?" he coaxed instead.

   Inosuke felt cornered again, as if Tanjiro's words had grasped him tightly by the throat. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. "Tanjiro, I—" He felt his mind growing cloudy with hesitance, though he knew he had to fight it. "I—I can't..." The eye contact they were now making was too intimidating for him to overcome. He covered his eyes with his forearm and shut them tightly. "You're—you're too handsome, I can't think!"

   Handsome. After he heard it, Tanjiro felt an enchanting sort of warmth blossom from the center of his chest. He'd never been complimented by him in this manner before.

But there wasn't enough time to respond before Inosuke continued. He concentrated, trying to imagine he was still practicing his confession in the bath, just as he'd been rehearsing it.

   "You make me feel scared and sweaty whenever you get too close. It's weird. And my skin gets too tight when you say something nice to me. But it." He took a deep breath through his nose. "I can't get you out of my damn head. I could listen to you talk for hours. About whatever. When you said I was your best friend, it made me so happy. But it kinda...hurt, too?" He gritted his teeth. "'Cause...I don't wanna just be your best friend! I wish we were...boyfriends. Tanjiro—" His arms were shaking now. "I...ugh—I love you!" His lip quivered with uncertainty after he coughed it up. He had no idea what reaction he'd receive, and the possibility of once again damaging the friendship he treasured so dearly hung over his head.

   Tanjiro reached up to hold the wrist of the arm Inosuke was using to obstruct his vision, and delicately led it away from his face so they could see each other again. As their arms made contact with the ground, he cupped their hands together, linking their fingers. Weary from all the emotions he had cycled through that night, Inosuke braced himself for heartbreak. His chest felt still, as if his heart had left it.

   "That's a relief," Tanjiro said softly, watching his own reflection in Inosuke's eyes. "That's the guy I've been in love with for a while now." He ran his thumb back and forth over the scarred skin on the side of Inosuke's hand. "He's funny, and brave...and really pretty."

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