Everything Begins

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A freight train roared noisily past on a dirty railway in the pitch black night. Dust and shrubs of yellow green grass contrasted with the black on the railways and gravel though the foreign looking landscape.

Beside the track stood an abandoned and dusty station house. It was destroyed mostly on the inside and ash was everywhere, suggesting it had been destroyed many years ago, by a fire and left to rot.

A floor above, there was light, produced by a giant gold chandelier. Though the dust and debris, an important looking man stood, two henchmen at his side.

In the middle of them all, tied to a chair was a woman. She was heavily pregnant by the looks of her and had short red hair. She was wearing a tank top that showed off her belly with a skirt and black fishnet stockings. She had no shoes as well, but behind the men, a pair of black flats stood alone in the dust.

The henchman on her right suddenly stood forward, coming up to her. He suddenly backhanded her and she let out a groan, hissing a bit.

Leaning her head and neck back, she swung her head back up, looking at the man in the middle as he began to speak in a foreign language.

“Это не так, как я хотел в этот вечер, чтобы пойти.” He said, frowning. (This is not how I wanted this evening to go.)

“Я знаю, как вы хотели этим вечером, чтобы пойти. Поверьте мне, это лучше.” She replied. (I know how you wanted this evening to go. Believe me, this is better.)

He chuckled, looking at her. “Кто вы работаете?” (Who are you working for?)

The right henchman came forward as he continued. “Lermentov, да?” (Lermentov, yes?)

The henchman leaned her over the gaping hole through the floor behind her till her feet didn’t reach the ground, her weight making the chair less steady.

She felt the baby inside her kick in fear. “Неужели он думает, мы должны пройти через него, чтобы переместить наш груз?” (Does he think we have to go through him to move our cargo?)

That made her look at him confused. “Я думал, генеральный Solohob отвечает за экспорт.” (I thought General Solohob is in charge of the export business.) The henchman brang her back down as she talked, moving back.

“Solohob?” He asked, frowning again. “Странствующий торговец, фронт.” (A bagman, a front.)

“Ваша устаревшую информацию выдает вам и вашему ребенку.” (Your outdated information betrays you and your child.) He said, eyeing her.

Coming forward, he kept talking. “Знаменитая черная вдова, и она, оказывается, просто еще красивое лицо.” (The famous Black Widow and she turns out to be simply another pretty face.)

As he moved back to his place, she spoke. “Вы действительно думаете, что я очень на данный момент?” (You really think I'm pretty at the moment?)

THe man turned around and the same henchman came up to her, grabbing her cheeks to open her mouth as if to choke her and pulled her head back.

“Расскажите Lermentov мы не нуждаемся в нем, чтобы переместить танки.” (Tell Lermentov we don't need him to move the tanks.) He said, pacing over to a desk with all sorts of harming instruments on it as he talked.

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