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3 days later...

[Kolkata, Bengal]

A little girl ran through the dusty and dirty streets. avoiding the rickshaws and cars, the local currency in her hand. She had long black hair and a dirty brown rag of a dress on. SHe was barefooted and had very dark skin.

Pushing her way through the crowds of people surrounding her desperately, she found her way to an no door house, running up the stairs and stopping just near the top. A man has stopped her. “बंद करो!” (Stop!)

Peering from where she was, she saw a white man washing something in a sink nearby and a very cross women making eye contact with her. “तुम कौन हो?” (Who are you?) She tried to shoo her away. “बाहर निकल जाओ!वहाँ बीमारी यहाँ है!” (Get out!  There is sickness here!)

“तुम एक डॉक्टर हो, तुम मेरी मदद नहीं कर सकते हैं?” ( You're a doctor, can't you help me?) She asked the white man as he turned to face her.

“मेरे पिता जागने नहीं है!वह एक बुखार है और वह कराह रही है, लेकिन उसकी आंखों को खुला नहीं होगा.” (My father's not waking up! He has a fever and he's moaning, but his eyes won't open.) She begged and he held out a hand. “धीरे चलिए.” (Slow down.)

She stopped, looking at him. “मेरे पिता …” (My father...) He pointed to the children on the beds a little away from them, couching down. “उन्हें पसंद है?” (Like them?)

She turned and looked, before holding out the money in her hand. “कृपया.” (Please)

They made their way to a shack on the edge of town, staying in the shadows, the man, now with a satchel a little behind her. A passing car made him speed up, stopping her and turning his face and body away as it passed by.

After it did, the girl ran forward. She ducked into the house, him on her heels until she suddenly clambered out the window. He shook his head, chuckling and looking around. “You should’ve got paid up front, Banner.” The whole house was empty.

“You know, for a man who’s supposed to be avoiding stress...” Or not. Natasha came out in a long skirt and black top, she had a shawl too. Her belly was covered. “you picked a hell of a place to settle.”

Dr. Bruce Banner eyed her, dropping his satchel onto a nearby step. “Avoiding stress isn’t the secret.”

“Then what is it? Yoga?” She asked. He just looked around nervously. “You brought me to the edge of the city. Smart.” He nodded, looking out a window. “I assume the whole place is surrounded.” She took off the shawl, dropping it on the ground, exposing her stomach. “Just you, me and this.” She put her hands on her stomach.

“And your actress buddy? Is she a spy too? They start that young?” He asked, trying to avoid her.

“I did, I couldn’t come myself and get you in my current condition.” She said.

“Who are you?”

“Natasha Romanoff.”

He kneaded his hands together, looking at her. “Are you here to kill me, Ms Romanoff? Because that’s not going to work out for everyone and I’m sure you don’t want to put your child in danger.”

Her hands stayed unmoving her bump, tightening a bit around it. She started waddling towards him. “No, of course not. I’m here on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D.”

“S.H.I.E.L.D.” He seemed to be in deep thought. “How did they find me?”

“We never lost you, Doctor.” She said, staying in place. “We’ve kept our distance. Even helped keep some other interested parties off your scent.” “Why?”

“Nick Fury seems to trust you. But now we need you to come in.” He looked at her. “What if I say no?” “I’ll persuade you.” “And what if the other guy says no?”

“You’ve been more than a year without an incident. I don’t think you want to break that streak.” She waddled over the other side of the room as he observed behind her. “Well, I don’t every time get what I want.” He touched a nearby baby’s cradle, making it rock.

She grabbed a PDA, looking down at it as she spoke. “Doctor, we’re facing a potential global catastrophe.” He chuckled, looking at her again. “Well, those I actively try to avoid.”

She looked up at him, showing him a picture of a glowing blue cube. “This is the Tesseract.” She slid it over to him on a table, sitting down carefully, hands now on the table.

He put his glasses on and picked up the PDA, analyzing it. “It has the potential energy to wipe out the planet.”

“What does Fury want me to do, swallow it?” He asked. “He wants you to find it. It’s been taken.” She locked eyes with him. “It emits a gamma signature that’s too weak for use to trace. There’s no one who that knows gamma radiation like you do. If there was, that’s where we’d be.” A hand moved over her stomach unconsciously.

He took his glasses off. “So, Fury isn’t after the monster?” “Not that he’s told me.”

“And he tells you everything?” His voice held an amused tone.

“Talk to Fury. He needs you on this.” “He needs me in a cage?”

“No one’s going to put you in a...” He suddenly slammed down on the table angrily. “Stop lying to me!”

She bolted up a little too fast and felt dizzy, but held her ground, holding a gun. she had grabbed from under the table. She felt the baby start to kick wildly and rubbed her stomach to soothe it.

He straightened up, putting on a concerned smile. “I’m sorry. That was mean and risky. I just wanted to see what you’d do.” He put his hands in front of himself. “Why don’t we do this the easy way where you don’t use that” He pointed to the gun. “and the other guy doesn’t make a mess and hurt him or her.” He looked at her stomach. “Okay? Natasha?”

She shook a bit, but then let it down, going to a earpiece. “Stand down.”

Outside, an army of S.H.I.E.L.D agents with weapons backed away. “We’re good here.”

He looked at her in amusement. “Just you, me and this.” He quoted her.

She just looked at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2013 ⏰

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