forty three

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She took a deep breath, "Get yourself together Chaerin," she whispered to herself.

She then checked her mirrors for one last time before removing the handbrake and shifting the gear to drive.

"Can everyone hear me clearly?" Ten spoke in the earpiece, one by one each of them responded.

The drive was silent, each of them focusing on the task at hand. When they arrived, each member got out of the car, except Chaerin.

"Goodluck Chaerin," Jaemin says before closing the door, and Chaerin gave him a small smile in return.

She took a deep breath and waited for Ten's signal before driving off.

"They're already following you at the moment, drive safe," Ten says through the earpiece.

Chaerin managed to lose some of the cars following her, that is until a shot rang and the glass of her rear windshield shattered.

Chaerin let out a small shriek at the sudden sound and quickly ducked her head, which made the car swerve slightly.

"Chaerin are you okay?!" Ten asked quickly through the earpiece.

"Well I'm being shot at so, no!" Chaerin's breathing quickened, and her hands started to shake.

"Give me a second okay?"

Another shot rang and she swiftly switched through lanes to avoid the bullets. She then entered an alleyway.

Just when she thought she lost them, the window on her side shattered and a sudden pain shot through her shoulder.

Chaerin cussed at the pain, and let go out the steering wheel. The car then quickly swerved, almost hitting the wall. Chaerin then grabbed the steering wheel once more with one hand, the other clutching her bleeding shoulder.

"Chaerin!" Ten shouted with worry.

Ten's typing quickened as he tried to find a way to get Chaerin to safety. Winwin who was also present in the room tried his hardest as well to help with the situation.

The computer screens then started to glitch slightly, making Ten's face drop.

"Winwin?" He said anxiously.

"Why what happened?" Winwin was immediately at Ten's side, looking at the screens. The screens then turned black for a quick second before bright green codes flashed in the screen.

The pair's eyes widened as they scrambled to check what happened.

"Chaerin? Can you hear me?" Ten asked, by the lack of her response, Ten cussed under his breath, "I think they cut us off!"

"I'm calling Taeyong," Winwin said hastily picking up his phone. Ten just nodded in response, still focused on getting back control and communications.

Taeyong then bursted in the room, followed by Johnny and Yuta.

"What happened?"

Winwin tried to explain everything as fast as possible, "What do we do? Do we send someone after her? She could be anywhere,"

"Try her phone," Taeyong ordered Yuta, which he immediately complied. After multiple rings, Yuta shook his head with a frown. The people in the room scrambled to make a plan, however, it was disrupted by multiple shouts coming from the first floor.

Johnny whipped the door open.

"Taeyong come quick it's an emergency!"

"Taeyong come quick it's an emergency!"

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