Chapter 1~How We Met

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Applejack's Pov~ When they were 9

I was just walking in the meadow heading to the tree I go to, to cry cause my parents had died then all the sudden I hear someone crying where I cry I walk over to her and see she has blueish purple ish hair and white skin and beautiful blue eyes.

"Uh.... hey" I say once I get up to her she immediately looks up and her eyes are puffy and red around them. She wipes her eyes off and stands up quick.

"Oh sorry" she says in slight British accent "I didn't know you came here to cry too" I say "Yeah I always come here to cry when I'm upset or something" she says wow shes really cute.

"I'm Rarity" she says "I'm Applejack, I come here a lot since my parents died a month ago" I say a little sad "Oh my mom and dad separated a few weeks ago and I wondered off and found this place" she says.

"Oh well my family kinda owns this land but your welcome here anytime" I say while walking up to the tree and sitting down and she come over and sits next to me.

"Thank you....... Jackie" she says and I blush a little at the nickname "Your welcome Miss" I say "Please call me Rarity" she says "Hey aren't that rich girl everyone talks about at school I see you there sometimes" I say "Um.... Well yeah but I don't mean any harm I really am a nice person once you get to know me" she says.

We talk a little more till I gotta go home we meet there everyday to hang out and talk about what happens in our lives.


"Hey Rares hows it goin" I ask by our tree "Good darling how are you" she says and we sit down and talk I made us a picnic cause I'm finally gonna tell her how I feel "Well it's great I just need to ask ya somethin" I say nervous.

"Ok what is it darling" she asks concerned "Well Rarity I ju-" I got cut off by her "Oh jeez you called me Rarity instead of Rares what's going on" she asks "Well let me finish" I say laughing.

"Stop laughing this could be serious" she says "Ok ok let me talk" I say "So Rarity I have a.......... crush ........... on you!!!" I say the I get up really embarrassed "Wait really???" she asks "Yes no joke I have liked you since the day we met" I say "Appleja-" she was about to say something then Pinkie bounced on me and she stopped "What the hay Pinkie Pie" I say a little frustrated "I came to deliver a message from Rara she says she is coming over to say something" she says then walks off.

Hours later Rara comes and she says "Hey Jackie~" ugh I hate her so much "Hey Rara whatcha want" I say then she looks over beside me and sees Rarity "Ugh she's here" she says "Yes she is gotta problem with it Rara" I day a little annoyed "No not at all" she says with a disgusted face.

"I just wanna ask if you wanna go out on a................ date with me!!" she says then I look at Rarity and she looks so pissed but then all the sudden she hits Rara and she passes out "RARITY WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YA!!!!" I yell "...." all the sudden Rarity takes off "RARITY WAIT I DIDN'T MEAN TO YELL!!" and with that she took off in her car.

I picked up Rara and took her to my bedroom.

Raras Pov~

I woke up in Ajs arms I look over to her and kiss her forehead and she wakes "Mornin' Rara, how ya feelin" she asks "I'm feeling good Jackie" I say.

Rarity's Pov~

I can't believe I did that now AppleJack will never love me I started crying into my pillow and my maskara got all over my white pillow then I heard a huge bang on the door I went down stairs to open it to see................... Applejack.

She let her self in and I said "Applejack listen I'm so so-" she cut me off "SHUT UP" she yelled "Rares sorry I didn't mean to yell I just Rara makes me mad" she said then she pulled me into a hug I started crying into a chest.

"Rares I love you so much and nothing will ever change that I just need to know..... Do you love me?" she asks.


Sorry for the cliff hanger. Let me know down in the comments if you like my story if so use this emoji ✌️ if not then don't post anyways SEE YA!!

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