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It was Christmas break, you and your best friend Draco were really excited because you got to spend all of the holidays with him. But you were also really nervous to meet his parents, they had a reputation in the Wizarding world for not being the kindest of people, you didn't want them to hate you if you're going to be staying with them all winter break.

"Come on Nova, it's time to go!" Draco exclaimed, trying to hide his excitement. "I'm coming!" I yelled from my dorm.


"Thank god! If we don't hurry up we're gonna miss the train so hurry up!" He ranted. "Shut up and let's go then!" I smirked in my victory to piss him off. When we got on the train, we found an empty compartment to sit in because we wanted some piece and quiet from the outside world. I started drifting to sleep, my head falling onto Draco's shoulder. "Hey! Don't fall asleep!" i rolled my eyes at him. "Why not?" i say hoping he has a good explaination. "Because I'll be alone!" He argued "fine" I huffed. i really need sleep I'm exhausted. "Why are you so tired anyways" he asked looking genuinely worried. "Because I didn't sleep at all last night" I replied, putting my head on the table. "How come?" He asked, genuinely concerned. "It doesn't matter" I yawned, lifting my head back up. "Please just tell me, Nova" he pleaded "fine, I was just overthinking about what your parents are going to think about me, so I didn't get any sleep." I mumbled. "Nov look at me, they are going to love you!" He reassured. "Now...sleep!" He insisted. "I thought you didn't want me to?" this boy changes his mind so much. "I changed my mind since you got no sleep last night" he smiled. "Thanks, Draco" I said genuinely. I started drifting off to sleep as my head fell on Draco's shoulder.
"Sweet dreams, darling" he whispered and kissed my forehead. I think he thought that I was asleep because he would never say that while he thought I was awake.


"Wake up" Draco whisper shouted. "I'm awake" I yawned, getting my stuff. "Come on my parents are meeting us here." he yelled. he sounded excited but i was shiting myself. "I'm coming" I yelled. When we got off the train, Draco dragged me through to crowd to find his parents. I was still really nervous. "Draco, darling, over here!" A female voice spoke smiling at her son. Draco dragged me over to the voice. "Hello, mother. It's good to see you" Draco speaks happily. "my darling" she smiles and hugs Draco. "Draco" Lucius says coldly. "Father" Draco greets his father in the same way. "Nova is it? Draco has told me so much about you!" A feminine voice states ecstatically. I turn my head to see a beyond beautiful woman. Her hair parted in two framing her gorgeous face due to it being up, Her beautiful red lips which I can't take my eyes off of. "uh yes... Nova Dia." I manage to stutter. i put my hand out for her to shake but she pushes it aside and greets me with a hug. "right, now that we've all been acquainted we better get back to the manor." Lucius says giving me a strange look. "Yes of course." Mrs Malfoy agrees. "Nova, darling hold my hand so we can apperate" she smiled. Mrs Malfoy was nothing like the Malfoys are interpreted. "I hate apperating" I mumble under my breath. "you'll be fine sweetheart! just hold my hand and remember to take deep breaths." she says reassuringly. "okay" I say quietly. I close my eyes hoping that I don't throw up.

"we're here." Mrs Malfoy says smiling. my feet wont move because I feel dizzy. "we'll stand here as long as you need darling." my vision was starting to get a little blurry. "thank you Mrs Malfoy" I faintly smile. "please call me Narcissa, Mrs Malfoy is so formal"everything was going dark. "Narcissa...help..." i said before everything went black. 


"SHIT! NOVA?!" she was unconcious and i didn't know what to do. i picked her up bridal style and brought her inside. "Draco! come help me!" i yelled. why would she pass out? "Mum whats going on- oh my god Nova!" i placed Nova on the sofa as draco was stressing out and asking many questions. "Draco calm down and I'll tell you what happened." i waited for him to calm down then i told him what happened. "i bet she forgot to take her tablets again, she'll wake up soon." tablets what tablets?  I make my way towards the kitchen and Draco follows. "what tablets were you talking about dear?" i asked whilst i made some tea. "oh um Nova has to take iron tablets." omg thats serious is she okay?  "that sounds serious draco"  i say as i get a cup out of the cupboard and pour my tea. "its not that serious. Nova has a iron deficiency but sometimes she forgets to take her tablets so she occasionally passes out i don't think that the apperating helped." i pour a glass of water for when Nova wakes up. "I'm going to go check on Nova, go unpack darling." i walk back into the living room to see Nova stiring awake. 

 "I'm glad your awake dear. Water?" i offered her. "yes, please." she smiled weakly at me. "can i ask you a question, dear?" i asked as i sat next to her. "Um, ok." she looked really worried about what i was going to ask but i decided that i need to know. "When was the last time you took one of your iron tablets?" if she lied i would be able to tell. "um... around 2 days ago i think." 

"Mrs Malfoy dinner is ready" Dobby announced. "okay Dobby. please inform Lucius and Draco." Dobby nodded and left the room. "I'm making sure that you take one everyday till christmas break is over." i give her a look making her realise that I'm deadly serious. "Thank you.... Really, but can we not talk about this anymore tonight? It's not my favorite subject" she said with a nervous laugh. "of course. we better get to dinner though." i smiled "yeah of course."

'She has such a pretty smile' omg i did not just think that


Narcissa, Draco and I were downstairs talking. Narcissa was so nice, nothing like Lucius whatsoever. as soon as Lucius ate, he disappeared. he wasn't very talkative. one word to describe Lucius probably would be 'cold.' he only acknowledges himself and never pays any attention to Draco or Narcissa. 

Narcissa has such a kind heart plus she's really hot- what no I did not just think that! 

Narcissa smirks as if she heard what I said.

-no I'm losing it. 


I'm so tired but I don't want to say anything.

its 1am but I don't think Narcissa or Draco have noticed and I don't want to say anything. "I think its time we all go to bed, don't  you Nova?" Narcissa says slyly. Draco leaves instantly with a "good night!" to me and Narcissa.

can she read my mind or something???

"yes sweetheart" she says slyly "What? I didn't say anything."  I'm definitely going crazy. " you're definitely not darling" Narcissa smirks. "you can hear my thoughts?" I questioned. "yes, its called Legilimency, sometimes I don't even do it on purpose, I'm so so sorry that I invaded your mind without your permission." Narcissa rambles. "hey... calm down, take a breath. its fine really. you didn't see anything bad right?" 

did she here me call her hot? Sh!t what if she did!

"no I didn't see or hear anything bad don't worry. I am really sorry for invading your privacy though." she says worried. "Cissa, its fine. I'm not accepting your apology because you have nothing to be sorry for" "Cissa? you've only ever called me Mrs Malfoy and Narcissa." Narcissa says curiously. "oh umm... I'm so sorry if that made u uncomfortable Narcissa." I stutter out. 

f*ck     f*ck     f*ck  

"no darling you're fine I like it, it has a ring to it." she smiled. I smiled back, I don't know why I'm so happy when I'm with Narcissa but I am. "right well I don't know about you but I'm exhausted." I yawn. "may I escort you to your room?" she asks. "yes please because I may have forgotten where it is." I chuckle. "ok this way darling." I follow here as she directs me to the room I'll be staying in. 


"thank you for walking me to my room, Narcissa" I smiled. She's so kind. I've never met anyone this kind hearted in all my life. "oh it was no problem my dear, my room is just across the hall if you need anything at all." she smiled walmly. "ok thank you. goodnight Cissa" i smile while i open my bedroom door. "good night sweetheart" we smile sweetly at each other as I enter my room. 

AN-Thank you for reading the next chapter will be out soonish. BYE!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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