The New Inna

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(Credit to: The Loud House-Shop Girl Episode)

One day, Inna is getting ready to go to the mall at Black Friday sale while all of her friends hang out at Jake's house.  Inna was in the kitchen checking if she has all of her stuff and she walked out to where her friends are in the livingroom. "Going shopping Inna?" asked Andy.  "Yeah! Today is a Black Friday sale! And i'm so excited to go get what I always wanted!!" Inna said "See you guys after shopping at the mall!!" Inna got all of her things and left the house to go to the mall. Her friends all hanged out until Inna gets back.

Inna walked in the door, "I'm back!" she said. Her friends look in shock to see that Inna has been beaten up. She had a plaster around her jaw, a messed up dress, a cracked lens on her sunglasses, and missing her left pink high heel. "Are you okay Inna?" asked Lilith (Juliet) "Where's all your stuff?" asked CC. "I didn't get any of it!" Inna said smiling. "What? Why?" asked Andy. "Well, you know how shoppers can be. Sometimes, they're a little grabby and pushy and stuff!" Inna replied. "So you're saying you let a bunch of greedy bargain hunters take your stuff?!" Lonny asked. "I don't mind. I'll just make new clothes with my old ones. Yay!" Inna said with excitement and goes to her bedroom. "Poor Inna! This always happens. She's too nice for her own good." Jake said turning off his TV. "She needs to learn how to be a little tougher." Jinxx joined. 

All of Inna's friends go to her room and saw her sewing outfits. "Inna how would you like to go back to that  Black Friday sale tomorrow, and get everything you wanted?" Andy asked her. "No no, I'm fine!" she said and starts showing her friends what she sewed, "Look! I turned this nightgown into jeans!" and she realizes that she doesn't have a nightgown, "Oh, wait. Now I don't have a nightgown. Ooooh, I can make one out of these other jeans!" 

CC sits Inna down on her high heal chair, "Inna, you need to learn how to stand up for yourself!" he said. 'Yeah, you don't wanna be wilted-beets in the spaghetti!" said Lonny. But don't worry, we're to teach you how to become a more assertive, decisive person!" Andy said. "Well, okay. If you guys want. I'm just happy when you're happy." Inna said. Andy facepalms and sighs, "We got a lot of work to do!"

All of her friends go outside of the bathroom, "Tomorrow, you're going back to that mall as a new Inna! And the new Inna doesn't let people cut ahead of her in line." Jake said. The rest of her friends are lined up along the wall. Jinxx approaches Inna, Now, you're number one in the bathroom line. Don't let anyone make you number two." he said. "Don't worry! No one's gonna cut!" Inna said. Andy walks up in front of Inna and acts like he needs to use the bathroom and groans, "I'm feeling the surprise part of your Dad's taco surprise! Oh, you gotta let me cut, Inna!" he said. "Oh, you poor thing! Go right ahead!" Inna said kindly. Her friends start to groan. Lilith goes where Inna was, "Alright. Step aside and watch a pro do it. CC,  your assistance." she said. CC approaches Lilith. CC clears his throat and is acting, "I'm in a hurry, Lilith! Let me cut!" he cried. Lilith growls; tries to cut, but Lilith starts attacking him. "Ow! How are you so freakishly strong?!" CC cried. Lilith starts pinning CC down, "I HOPE YOU LIKE THE TASTE OF FLOOR!!!" Lilith yelled. Inna starts taking notes, "Tackle, pin, catchphrase. Got it!"

Everyone was out in the backyard, the teens minus Inna and Lonny pile clothes on a picnic table. "Second lesson, the new Inna isn't afraid to go after what she wants. There's some rocking threads on that clearance table, but you got major peeps blocking  your way. What are you gonna do?" Lonny asked. In determination Inna says, "i'm gonna get those threads!" and she starts marching up to the table with a serious look on her face, and politely taps Andy on the shoulder, "So sorry would you mind moving?" she asked and tries to find an opening. "No? I can wait until your ready." Inna said and walks away from the table and all of her friends sigh. Lonny pushes Inna back and to Jake "Hey JP! Show her how it's done!" Lonny said. "With pleasure!" Jake replied he Runs off, and returns wearing a football helmet, paints black lines on his face. "Take a Hike!" Jake yelled and starts rampages his friends like football, spins a sweater over his head to celebrate, and starts doing a victory dance on it. "Hey, Alice gave me that sweater!" Jinxx cried and gives Jake a dirty look. Inna starts taking notes again, "Run, block, do a dance. Got it!"

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