Chapter Eleven.

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*Angelo's POV*

A few days had passed since we all went out to get our suits fitted; and I haven’t really spoken to any of the guys, oh well. I was currently lying on my bed with Meaghan curled up into my side, this girl meant everything to me and there was no way in hell I was going to let the vampire council tear us apart. Just the thought of them made me infuriated, I mean love is love and you can’t help who you fall in love with, so what if Meaghan isn’t a vampire my heart still belongs to her. Sighing I shook the thoughts away as I closed my eyes hoping to get some more sleep.

No luck. I didn’t even bother opening my eyes what’s the point, I laid in silence for what seemed like an eternity but was only a matter of seconds before I felt Meaghan stir next to me. Opening my eyes I turned my gaze down to her, just in time to see her beautiful eyes flutter open, she cast a look at me smiling “Hey there sleeping beauty” a light shade of pink coloured her cheeks “Hey” she whispered. Chuckling I shifted in the bed so she could lay her head on my chest, she noticed this and laid down on me, I wrapped my arms around her in a protective manner. No one could take her from me, no one.

It was quiet for a minute before she spoke “What happens if we don’t win Ange?” I thought about it for a while before simply stating “That’s not going to happen Meaghan” She sighed shifting herself into a sitting position “I mean it Ange; chances of us winning are one in a million. You know that” I bit my lip also sitting up, I took a deep breath cupping her face in my hands while staring dead into her eyes “I know that Meaghan I’m just trying to think of the best right now ok” she nodded “I love you with all my heart Meaghan, nothing and no one can take that away”

I could see the tears starting to form in her eyes “And I love you Angelo” She replied with the tears now streaming down her face. Smiling I pulled her face to mine crashing our lips together in a fury of passion and love, she took no hesitations in kissing me back, wrapping her arms around my neck she tangled her fingers in my hair. I grabbed her hips lightly making a moan escape her lips; gently I pulled her onto my lap so she was straddling me she licked my lip begging for entrance, I didn’t refuse. She pushed me forcefully on the chest so I laid flat back on the bed, my hands began roaming her body moving from her delicate hips to her ass giving it soft squeeze, she moaned against my lips making me laugh.

She pulled away from the kiss looking me in the eye, raising an eyebrow she questioned “You think that’s funny do you?” I couldn’t help but laugh at her facial expression; she joined in my laughter after a few minutes. Then I pulled her back down picking up where we left off, I moved my hands down to the hem of her shirt tugging it up above her head, she quickly helped me remove my top as well. My eyes lustfully flickered over her chest she shot me a playful smirk before fiddling with the button on my jeans, I helped her yank them down before I helped her out of the jeans she was wearing.

We both looked at each other lustfully our eyes roaming each other’s bodies, I looked into her eyes only to see a few tears fall, I wiped them away with my thumb “Hey, hey shhh don’t cry Meaghan everything will be alright” She sniffled “I just don’t want to lose you Angelo, you mean the world to me” I sighed “I know you mean the world to me to Meaghan, were not going to lose each other I promise” She nodded “Ok Ange I trust you” I smiled at her response “Good now let’s just enjoy the time we have left before the trial” a smirk crossed her face, god I love this girl.


This chapter was written by SewYourEyesShut on mibba. 

WOO! Angelo's POV cute. Haha hope you guys enjoyed it me and freakwithpurple would love to hear from you so don't be shy. Now over to the lovely lady herself freakwithpurple! I bet she makes a better chapter then me, I want to thank her again for letting me co-author!

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~Little Whorror~

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