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—— Playlist ; "I like it pt2" (BTS)
"So how we are we going to paint our designs on the canvas, because on this sheet it says that it has to be colliding artwork." I skimmed over the long paper of directions.
"I have an idea doll, and I think you'll love it. Since you're a sunflower, and I'm a butterfly how about we paint a butterfly on top of a sunflower?"
"I actually really like it, so ddeonu let's get painting. I'm going to need the big brush for my sunflower." I reached my hand out for him to hand me the paintbrush in which he did.
"Let's get working doll, we don't have much time left."
"We'll finish today."
"I think we're done." I clasped my painty hands together, my clothes and face were filled with paint stains. But it was worth all the hard work.
Sunoo wiped some of the access paint left on his face and lightly quirked his lips? "I think we didn't amazing princess."
( the picture I'm about to show you does not belong to me, credits to the rightful owner. I only want to show how the artwork looks like.)
Imagine the butterfly with a broken wing, the only thing it can lean on is the sunflower. —
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"It's the perfect imagery, it's just like how I imagined it in my head." I warmly smiled. I held up the large canvas and placed in onto the table so that we could take it to the teacher tommorow.
The doorbell rang, that must've been Soobin I told him to pick me up. "Oh that's Soobin, I should get going. I'll see you tomorrow Sunoo!" I waved to the male, unlocking the door and exiting the huge mansion.
"So what did you do with that Sunoo guy all alone??" Soobin cocked a brow, I gave him a look. "What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean!" The male crossed his arms, I laughed out. "We didn't do anything you idiot, we worked on the art assignment that Miss gave us. Can't you see that my clothes are full of paint?"
The older one's cheeks turned crimson from the humiation, "O-oh, don't do anything!! Boys in this generation are bad these days!!"
"But you're a boy living in this generation." I fired back.
"I don't count!! I'm you're big brother, the only thing I'm here for is to protect you." He wrapped his arms around my shoulder.
"Love you." I chuckled, the male ruffled my hair. "I love you too little one."
"Chaewon?? Sunoo?? You've finished the project already." The teacher questioned the two of us in shock, we both shared glances at each other before turning to nod at her.
"May I see it?"
I handed over the big canvas to her, She scanned the artwork and smiled. "I thought this would be some type of trashy and rushed artwork but it's fully detailed and it meets all of my expectations. I love it, thank you both. I'll get the grades to you soon."
We both bowed, before taking our seats. Miss placed the artwork on her desk, clearing her throat to raise the classroom's attention.
"Now class, this art work is an example of my expectations for your painting. It was made by Chaewon and sunoo, Sunoo is the butterfly while Chaewon is the sunflower. Take a look at this."
She raised the painting high up so that students can get a clear view of the art, "something like this is what you should be doing with your partners, it should be mixed up artwork and it needs to be neatly done so please take you're time."
"That's all I have for thus class, continue to work. Chaewon and sunoo you're free to leave my class, I have no work for you guys today."
"Wanna go to the gas station for slushee?? I heard you like it a lot, and I wanna try some! What's the best flavor?"
"The best flavor in the world is Mint Choco but unfortunately they don't have it in slushie flavor. I just take blue raspberry."
"Eww Mint Choco is like toothpaste! Blue raspberry it is, let's go!!"